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Publisher vocabulary

    Breeches; trousers. Ld. Lytton.
    1. A portable form of telethermometer, using a telephone in connection with a differential thermometer. 2. A telephone involving heat effects, as changes in temperature due to pulsations of the line current in a fine wire connected with
    Fighting in the bush, or from behind bushes, trees, or thickets.
    1. The act of looking out; watch. 2. One who looks out; also, the place from which one looks out; a watchower. Lyon Playfair. 3. The view obtained by one looking out; scope of vision; prospect; sight; appearance. Applause Which owes to man's short
    1. A woman who cohabits with a man without being his wife; a paramour. Note: Concubine has been sometimes, but rarely, used of a male paramour as well as of a female. Trench. 2. A wife of inferior condition; a lawful wife, but not united to the
    The doctrine of Jansen regarding free will and divine grace.
    The chitinous ribbon bearing the teeth of mollusks; -- called also lingual ribbon, and tongue. See Odontophore.

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