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Publisher vocabulary

    A loud scream; a harsh cry. There oft are heard the notes of infant woe, -The short, thick sob, loud scream, and shriller squall. Pope.
    A woman whose husband is dead; a widow. Eli dying without issue, Jacob was obbliged by law to marry his relict, and so to raise up seed to his brother Eli. South.
    A genus of herbs of the Barberry family, having large palmately lobed peltate leaves and solitary flower. There are two species, the American Podohyllum peltatum, or May apple, the Himalayan P. Emodi.
    Baboonish behavior. Marryat.
    1. An ecclesiastic who has a chapel, or who performs religious service in a chapel. 2. A clergyman who is officially atteched to the army or navy, to some public institution, or to a family or court, for the purpose of performing divine service.
    To make of equal weight; to balance equally; to counterbalance; to equiponderate.

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