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Publisher vocabulary

    An instrument to measure the degree of sensation, by determining at how short a distance two impressions upon the skin can be distinguished, and thus to determine whether the condition of tactile sensibility is normal or altered.
    Among Mohammedans, a warrior champion or veteran, esp. in the destruction of infidels.
    1. A cause of uneasiness and complaint; a wrong done and suffered; that which gives ground for remonstrance or resistance, as arising from injustice, tyranny, etc.; injury. 2. Grieving; grief; affliction. The . . . grievance of a mind unreasonably
    Having a mixture of seriousness and sport; serious and comical.
    Of or pertaining to seamen, to the art of navigation, or to ships; as, nautical skill. Syn. -- Naval; marine; maritime. See Naval. Nautical almanac. See under Almanac. -- Nautical distance, the length in nautical miles of the rhumb line joining
    A company licensed for the purpose of carrying out
  • -ISE
    . See -ize.

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