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Publisher vocabulary

    1. To introduce by a first act; to make a beginning with; to set afoot; to originate; to commence; to begin or enter upon. How are changes of this sort to be initiated I. Taylor. 2. To acquaint with the beginnings; to instruct in the rudiments
    To sing or recite after the manner of a chant, or to a tune called a chant. (more info) 1. To utter with a melodious voice; to sing. The cheerful birds . . . do chant sweet music. Spenser. 2. To celebrate in song. The poets chant in the theaters.
    To whip lightly or with a quick jerk; to flap; as, to flick a horse; to flick the dirt from boots. Thackeray.
  • JOSO
    A small gudgeon.
    , The quality or state of being prescriptible. Story.
    1. To deposit, as a chattel, in pledge or pawn; to leave in possession of another as security; as, to pledge one's watch. 2. To give or pass as a security; to guarantee; to engage; to plight; as, to pledge one's word and honor. We mutually pledge
    A traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire. 2. A structure of gabions sunk in lines, as a core for a sand bar in harbor improvements.

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