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Publisher vocabulary

    Made of earth; made of burnt or baked clay, or other like substances; as, an earthen vessel or pipe.
    1. To sign one's name to a letter or other document. Shak. 2. To give consent to something written, by signing one's name; hence, to assent; to agree. So spake, so wished, much humbled Eve; but Fate Subscribed not. Milton. 3. To become surely;
    A coarse cloth made of hemp, and used for packing goods, etc. Tyrwhitt.
    1. The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of
  • GOLD
    A metallic element, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile.
    To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be mutually related. Doctrine and worship correlate as theory and practice. Tylor.
  • POA
    A genus of grasses, including a great number of species, as the kinds called meadow grass, Kentucky blue grass, June grass, and spear grass .

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