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Read Ebook: The Mentor: Photography Vol. 6 Num. 12 Serial No. 160 August 1 1918 by Anderson Paul

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THE MENTOR 1918.08.01, No. 160, Photography


AUGUST 1 1918 SERIAL NO. 160





A Voice From Far Cathay

I usually read it by bits between courses at the dinner table, and it often has taken the place of another seat. It has this advantage: it never talks shop, save in an entertaining way.

The pictures make good material for "identification" or "information tests." A selection of twenty makes good material for one "stunt" of an evening for a small group of guests.

But I like them best for use in a bulletin board in my class room. With titles or brief notes translated into Chinese, they attract the students around the board between classes. It is an easy matter to have a series of fifteen or twenty groups through the year, that are of interest to one's students, and give real information and stimulus.

This letter is not designed to lead you to believe that the publication takes its place with the essential possessions of the American missionary in the Orient--the Bible, Montgomery Ward catalog, and tennis racquet--but it is written that you may know that it helps one to keep "fit."

In appreciation, yours,


West China Union University

Chengtu, West China





AUGUST 1st, 1918. VOLUME 6. NUMBER 12.


Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre , was a great French scene-painter who experimented for many years trying to find some way of rendering permanent the image projected by a lens. J. Nic?phore Ni?pce was engaged in the same research, and from 1829 until the death of Ni?pce in 1833 the two worked together, but it was not until some years after the latter date that Daguerre discovered the process that bears his name. This process may be briefly described as follows: a highly polished and perfectly clean silver plate is rendered sensitive to light by the formation of a deposit of silver iodide on the surface, this being accomplished by exposing the plate--of course in the dark--for some minutes to the vapor of iodine. When the plate has assumed a uniform golden-brown color it is placed in the camera and the exposure is made, the light projected by the lens causing a chemical change to take place in the silver iodide. The image thus obtained is very weak, and in order to strengthen it the plate is exposed for some minutes to the vapor of mercury. It is subsequently fixed, or rendered permanent, by bathing with a solution of sodium thiosulphate . This dissolves the silver compounds that were not affected by light. In some cases the picture is still further strengthened by treating it with chloride of gold. This not only increases the vigor of the image but at the same time improves its stability, so that it is less likely to fade as the result of atmospheric action or exposure to light. The effect of the chloride of gold is literally to gold-plate the image. As the surface of the completed daguerreotype is very sensitive to any mechanical action, it must be protected by glass. A mere touch of the finger leaves an irremediable scratch.

The daguerreotype was at one time very popular for portraiture, but the process has certain drawbacks that have caused it to be superseded by improved methods. Among these drawbacks are the following: The exposures required are rather long; it is impossible to make duplicates--a separate exposure must be made for each picture; the picture must be held at a certain angle to make it visible, and the process is rather expensive and laborious to work. Nevertheless, exquisite effects may be obtained in daguerreotype; the writer has seen pictures of this kind which for sheer beauty yield to none of the modern printing mediums.

The decadence of the daguerreotype is to be regretted for at least one reason,--the man who elected to work in that medium was necessarily at least a craftsman, whereas at the present time many photographers are neither artists nor craftsmen, but merely mechanics of only fair skill. Photography has been brought to such a state of perfection that good technical results may be obtained by persons that work by rote and know absolutely nothing of the principles underlying the craft. This lack of training and enthusiasm for the work must evidently be reflected in the results obtained.

There are few forms of portraiture art that equal in beauty choice early examples of daguerreotype photography. They have the exquisite delicacy, softness and individual charm of the best miniature portraits. Good old daguerreotypes are treasured possessions in the homes of many families--and rightly so, for they combine a fine quality of art with a gentle personal appeal.


David Octavius Hill , was a Scotch painter who conceived the idea of producing a great historical picture representing the Disruption of the Church of Scotland. This work involved painting some four or five hundred portraits, and Hill, despairing of obtaining satisfactory sittings from so many persons, turned to the newly discovered art of photography to furnish the portraits he needed, with the idea of using the photographs as a guide in painting. Hill used the calotype process, invented by Fox Talbot, which rendered a piece of paper sensitive to light by coating it with iodide of silver. When it was exposed in the camera and developed, a negative resulted, and positive prints were made from this negative in the same medium.

Hill became so much interested in photography that he worked with it for several years, to the neglect of his painting. During those years he produced photographic portraits which have certainly never been surpassed, and which some people think have never been equalled. The exposures necessary were very long--four or five minutes in bright sunlight. This fact lends a great deal of beauty to the results, for there is no doubt that full sunlight gives effects that cannot be obtained in any other way, and these may be of surpassing beauty, provided the photographer is skilful enough to manage his apparatus and pose the sitter properly. It is regrettable that so many photographers of the present day shun out-door portraiture, for there is unquestionably a great opportunity in that class of work. The claim of some photographers that out-door light is not satisfactory for portraiture is refuted by Hill's results.

Hill was not a great painter. His works in that medium are well-nigh forgotten, but he was unquestionably a man of great sensitiveness, who possessed the quality of psychic insight so necessary to a portrait worker. It is the estimate of an authority that, though he could never be compared with the great masters of portraiture, Rembrandt and Velasquez, nevertheless his works are entitled to a place in the second rank.

Hill was especially fortunate in his sitters, for the men and women that he photographed were persons whom it would be difficult to render commonplace in appearance, among them being Christopher North , J. G. Lockhart, Lady Ruthven, Robert Haldane, William Henning, Mrs. Anna Brownell Jameson, and others of equal note in Great Britain.

The paper negatives made by Hill are carefully preserved. The writer is fortunate in the possession of prints from two of these negatives. The reproduction shown herewith, a gum-platinum plate made and given to him by Alvin Langdon Coburn, is from one of them. Much of the beauty of this example of Hill's work is due to modern printing methods, but the quality in this negative, brought out in the print, proves undeniably that Hill merits recognition as a master of portraiture.


Photography has made possible many discoveries of tremendous importance in the realm of astronomy by revealing the existence of stars too faint--because of their small size or great distance--to be seen by the eye. This is one of the most conspicuous ways in which the sensitive plate has been an aid to the scientist. A device for carrying a photographic plate is attached to a telescope and the plate exposed to the image projected by the telescope for a prolonged period. This may, in fact, amount to several hours; exposures are sometimes partly completed one night and finished the next, a comparatively small area of the heavens being chosen for investigation at one time. On development of the plate the stars are counted and compared with existing charts of the area in question. Of course this method requires that the telescope move with the same angular velocity as that of the earth's rotation, so that the image of each star may remain in precisely the same position on the plate during the entire time of exposure. Otherwise the star would be represented as a trail of light, the slightest variation in the speed of rotation being sufficient to cause blurring of the image. It is apparent that the clockwork employed for driving the telescope must be a marvel of accuracy.

The power which this method possesses of revealing hitherto undiscovered stars depends on a curious fact. If an observer looks into the eye-piece of a telescope he can discern only those heavenly bodies that send to the earth a certain minimum of light; but when a photographic plate is exposed for long periods there is a cumulative effect of light on the sensitive emulsion. That is, the long-continued impact of the light rays causes, little by little, a gradual change in the constitution of the sensitive silver salt. The action thus piles up, so to speak, and records light that is far below the visible minimum.

The photographic plate has not only aided discoveries in the vast realms of interstellar space, but has also revealed to us things so exceedingly minute that no other method of observation could bring them within the range of our perceptions.


In the bromoil process, the first step is to make a bromide enlargement. The negative from which a print is to be made is placed in an apparatus resembling the familiar stereopticon and an enlarged image is projected on a piece of bromide paper, or paper that has been coated with an emulsion similar to that used for plates. After the paper has been exposed to the image it is developed, fixed and washed, the result being a large positive print of the original small negative. Often this print is allowed to remain as it is, and it is then known as a bromide enlargement, or, simply, an enlargement; sometimes the worker converts it into a bromoil.

The image in an enlargement consists of metallic silver in a film of gelatine, the gradations of the picture resulting from the varying thicknesses of the silver image. The first step toward changing this to a bromoil is to treat it with certain chemicals that bleach out the silver image and at the same time harden the gelatine in proportion to the amount of silver present. The bleached print is then soaked in warm water, and the high-lights of the picture, where the gelatine is least hardened, absorb the water freely, the half-tones less so, and the shadows least of all. An oily ink, then dabbed on the print with a brush, adheres freely in the shadows, less freely in the half-tones, and least of all in the lights, being repelled by the water in the film. The final result is a print in which the image is formed by varying thickness of ink, which, of course, may be of any color.

A variant of bromoil is the oil process, though it would be more correct to put it the other way about, the latter process being the older of the two. A sheet of paper is coated with gelatine alone, this being rendered sensitive to light by means of certain chemicals and then printed under a negative. The effect is to render the gelatine hard in proportion to the amount of light-action, that is, hardest in the shadows, less so in the half-tones, and least of all in the lights. The print is then washed to remove the excess of sensitizer, and soaked in warm water; the subsequent operations are the same as in bromoil. Oil is superior to bromoil in being slightly easier to manipulate and in not requiring a dark-room, but it is inferior in that it demands either daylight or a powerful artificial light for printing. Furthermore, a negative the size of the finished print is necessary, whereas with bromoil, large prints can be made from small negatives.

Oil and bromoil have the drawback of not being very rapid to work, three or four 11x14 bromoils representing a good day's work for a careful manipulator, but they are by far the most satisfactory of all photographic printing mediums when the desire is for artistic expression.


The accompanying photograph entitled "The Lake, Winter," illustrates admirably the use of the soft-focus lens. It is also of interest as showing the advantages sometimes to be gained from the intentional use of defects. The normal human eye is unsurpassed for the purpose for which it is designed; it is difficult to imagine an organ more perfect in this respect. The eye automatically, and almost instantaneously, adjusts itself for near or distant objects and for varying intensities of light, and has, moreover, a field of view of nearly 180 degrees--almost a complete half-circle. Nevertheless, it has two defects that tend to impair the accuracy of vision, namely, chromatic and spherical aberration. Chromatic aberration is the inability to focus simultaneously on two or more of the primary colors . Spherical aberration is the inability to bring to a focus the rays of light that pass through the lens near the margins at the same time as those that pass through near the center. For these reasons--and, in lesser degree, some others--the eye cannot see sharp lines, and a lens that gives sharp definition to the edges of objects produces results that are esthetically unpleasing, because foreign to our experience. The soft-focus lens--of which there are numerous makes--is so designed that it possesses the errors that are normal to the eye, and therefore--if the characteristic softness of definition is not over-done by a too enthusiastic worker--gives results having an agreeable vagueness of outline. At one time the qualities of this type of lens were over-worked, the results being so excessively diffused that, as one writer said of a print, "it was impossible to tell whether it was a 'Portrait of a Lady' or a 'Water-Spout in the Gulf Stream.'" But for some years past the pendulum has been swinging the other way, and photographers in general are now using the unconnected lens so as to secure as nearly as possible the quality characteristic of the normal eye with, perhaps, a slight exaggeration for the sake of suggestion, and as a stimulus to the imagination.








There are about fifty different reducing agents on the market; most of them are derived from coal-tar, though some are made from nut-galls, lichens, and other substances. The developer consists of a solution in water of one or more of these reducing agents, with other chemicals to control the action, the exposed plate being bathed in this solution, either in the dark or in a light to which the plate is not sensitive. Wherever light has acted on the silver salts the developer causes metallic silver to be deposited in proportion to the amount of light-action, so that on holding the developed plate up to the light a dense deposit is seen in those parts representing the brightest portions of the subject, while the shadows of the original are represented by thin areas, and the half-tones by deposits of intermediate density. For this reason the developed plate is called a negative. The plate is then bathed in a solution of sodium thiosulphate , which dissolves the unaffected silver salt but does not affect the metallic silver--or at least does so only very slowly. Next, the plate is washed in water to remove all unnecessary chemicals, and is dried. The ordinary plate is sensitive only to ultra-violet and violet light, so it cannot render truthfully any subject having color, but by the addition of certain aniline dyes to the emulsion it may be rendered sensitive to green in addition to violet and ultra-violet; it is then described as orthochromatic or isochromatic . Still other dyes extend the sensitiveness to include not only ultra-violet but also the entire visible spectrum; such a plate is called pan-chromatic .

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