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Word Meanings - ALLITERAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Pertaining to, or characterized by alliteration.

Related words: (words related to ALLITERAL)

    stretch out, reach, pertain; per + tenere to hold, keep. See Per-, 1. To belong; to have connection with, or dependence on, something, as an appurtenance, attribute, etc.; to appertain; as, saltness pertains to the ocean; flowers pertain to plant
    1. To make distinct and recognizable by peculiar marks or traits; to make with distinctive features. European, Asiatic, Chinese, African, and Grecian faces are Characterized. Arbuthot. 2. To engrave or imprint. Sir M. Hale. 3. To indicate the
    The act or process of characterizing.
    The repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals; as in the following lines: - Behemoth, biggest born of earth, upheaved His vastness. Milton. Fly o'er waste fens and
    To characterize falsely or erroneously; to give a wrong character to. They totally mischaracterize the action. Eton.
    To belong or pertain, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate. Things appertaining to this life. Hooker. Give it unto him to whom it appertaineth. Lev. vi. 5. (more info) appartenir, fr. L. appertinere; ad + pertinere to reach


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