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Word Meanings - ANGLED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Having an angle or angles; -- used in compounds; as, right- angled, many-angled, etc. The thrice three-angled beechnut shell. Bp. Hall.

Related words: (words related to ANGLED)

    Straight; direct.
    , a. Having no shell. J. Burroughs.
    Sheltered in a haven. Blissful havened both from joy and pain. Keats.
    Having a cross section in the form of an equilateral triangle; -- said especially of a kind of file.
    To make English; to English; to anglify; render conformable to the English idiom, or to English analogies.
    A harbor master.
    Of or pertaining to three miles; as, the three-mile limit, or the limit of the marine belt of three miles included in territorial waters of a state.
    An old name for the finest and most costly kind of velvet, having a fine, thick pile. I have served Prince Florizel and in my time wore three-pile. Shak.
    The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground justification. There are two kinds of Christian righteousness: the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of faith,
    A vessel of war carrying guns on three decks.
    One who, or that which, shells; as, an oyster sheller; a corn sheller.
    A name given to four of the twelve astrological "houses." Chaucer. 5. Etym: (more info) 1. The inclosed space near the point where two lines; a corner; a nook. Into the utmost angle of the world. Spenser. To search the tenderest angles
    A light cloth covering for the head and neck, used by soldiers as a protection from sunstroke.
    Having three sides, especially three plane sides; as, a three- sided stem, leaf, petiole, peduncle, scape, or pericarp.
    Having three prominent longitudinal angles; as, a three- cornered stem. (more info) 1. Having three corners, or angles; as, a three-cornered hat.
    Of or pertaining to a church modeled on the English Reformation; Anglican; -- sometimes restricted to the ritualistic or High Church section of the Church of England.
    Having three ports; specif.: Designating a type of two-cycle internal-combustion engine in which the mixture enters the crank case through a port uncovered by the piston near the end of its stroke.
    Consisting of three distinct webs inwrought together in weaving, as cloth or carpeting; having three strands; threefold.
  • HAVE
    haven, habben, AS. habben ; akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben, OFries, hebba, OHG. hab, G. haben, Icel. hafa, Sw. hafva, Dan. have, Goth. haban, and prob. to L. habere, whence F. 1. To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm. 2.
    Divided into, or consisting of, three parts; tripartite. Three- parted leaf , a leaf divided into three parts down to the base, but not entirely separate.
    A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell .
    Resembling, or consisting of, spangles; glittering; as, spangly light.
    See I
    Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.
    Any marine gastropod shell of the genus Apporhais having an elongated siphon. See Illust. under Rostrifera.
    To loose from tangles or intricacy; to disentangle; to resolve; as, to untangle thread. Untangle but this cruel chain. Prior.
    A wrangle; a squabble; a noisy contest or dispute. A brangle between him and his neighbor. Swift. (more info) brangle to shake, menace; probably a variant of wrangle, confused
    Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas.
    An artificer who makes carts; a cart maker.
    Having five angles; quinquangular.
    A figure bounded by three lines, and containing three angles. Note: A triangle is either plane, spherical, or curvilinear, according as its sides are straight lines, or arcs of great circles of a sphere, or any curved lines whatever. A
    Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.


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