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Word Meanings - BODE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To indicate by signs, as future events; to be the omen of; to portend to presage; to foreshow. A raven that bodes nothing but mischief. Goldsmith. Good onset bodes good end. Spenser. (more info) bodien, AS. bodian to announce, tell from

Additional info about word: BODE

To indicate by signs, as future events; to be the omen of; to portend to presage; to foreshow. A raven that bodes nothing but mischief. Goldsmith. Good onset bodes good end. Spenser. (more info) bodien, AS. bodian to announce, tell from bod command; akin to Icel.

Related words: (words related to BODE)

    1. One who, or that which, ravens or plunders. Gower. 2. A bird of prey, as the owl or vulture. Holland.
    1. Devouring with rapacious eagerness; furiously voracious; hungry even to rage; as, a ravenous wolf or vulture. 2. Eager for prey or gratification; as, a ravenous appetite or desire. -- Rav"en*ous*ly, adv. -- Rav"en*ous*ness, n.
    1. Nihility; nonexistence. 2. The state of being of no value; a thing of no value.
    A large black passerine bird , similar to the crow, but larger. It is native of the northern part of Europe, Asia and America, and is noted for its sagacity. Sea raven , the cormorant. (more info) Icel. hrafn, Dan. ravn, and perhaps to L. corvus,
    + chief end, head, F. chef chief. See Minus, and 1. Harm; damage; esp., disarrangement of order; trouble or vexation caused by human agency or by some living being, intentionally or not; often, calamity, mishap; trivial evil caused by
    Eagerness for plunder; rapacity; extortion. Luke xi. 39.
    to impend, from an old preposition used in comp. + tendere to 1. To indicate as in future; to foreshow; to foretoken; to bode; -- now used esp. of unpropitious signs. Bacon. Many signs portended a dark and stormy day. Macaulay. 2. To stretch
    A genus of plants related to the banana. Note: Ravenala Madagascariensis, the principal species, is an unbranched tree with immense oarlike leaves growing alternately from two sides of the stem. The sheathing bases of the leafstalks collect and
    1. Something which foreshows or portends a future event; a prognostic; an omen; an augury. "Joy and shout -- presage of victory." Milton. 2. Power to look the future, or the exercise of that power; foreknowledge; presentiment. If there be aught
    1. The act or art of presaging; a foreboding. Sir T. Browne. 2. That which is presaged, or foretold. "Ominous presagement before his end. " Sir H. Wotton.
    Mischievous. Foote.
    Mischievous. Lydgate.
    + nuntiare to report, relate, nuntius messenger, bearer of news. See 1. To give public notice, or first notice of; to make known; to publish; to proclaim. Her arrival was announced through the country by a peal of cannon from the ramparts.
    A large food fish , native of the East Indies.
    In time to come. Raleigh.
    Full of presages; ominous. Dark in the glass of some presageful mood. Tennyson.
    That is to be or come hereafter; that will exist at any time after the present; as, the next moment is future, to the present. Future tense , the tense or modification of a verb which expresses a future act or event.
    Causing harm; exciting enmity or quarrels. Rowe. -- n.
    One of no certain belief; one belonging to no particular sect.
    The act of announcing, or giving notice; that which announces; proclamation; publication.
    A foraminifer having but one chamber.
    Formed from one pistil; -- said of fruits. R. Brown.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Let out of the veins. "Extravenate blood." Glanvill.
    1. To meet in the way of opposition; to come into conflict with; to oppose; to contradict; to obstruct the operation of; to defeat. So plain a proposition . . . was not likely to be contravened. Southey. 2. To violate; to nullify; to
    An officer who presided over the great public games in Greece.
    A member of a secret political organization in the United States, the chief objects of which were the proscription of foreigners by the repeal of the naturalization laws, and the exclusive choice of native Americans for office. Note: The
    A large extinct proboscidean mammal from the miocene beds of Europe and Asia. It is remarkable fora pair of tusks directed downward from the decurved apex of the lower jaw.
    One who, or that which, dispenses; a distributer; as, a dispenser of favors.
    Stringed instruments. Dr. W. Smith. To the chief musician on Neginoth. Ps. iv. 9heading).
    The quality of state or being brave.
    Cowardly; fainthearted; spiritless. "His craven heart." Shak. The poor craven bridegroom said never a word. Sir. W. Scott. In craven fear of the sarcasm of Dorset. Macualay. (more info) struck down, p. p. of cravanter, crevanter, to break, crush,


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