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Word Meanings - BREECH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat. (more info) 1. The lower part of the body behind; the buttocks. 2. Breeches. Shak. 3. The hinder part of anything; esp., the part of a cannon, or other firearm, behind

Additional info about word: BREECH

The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat. (more info) 1. The lower part of the body behind; the buttocks. 2. Breeches. Shak. 3. The hinder part of anything; esp., the part of a cannon, or other firearm, behind the chamber.

Related words: (words related to BREECH)

    The great band commissural fibers which unites the two cerebral hemispheres. See corpus callosum, under Carpus.
    1. Destitute of feathers; naked; unfledged. An in the leafy summit, spied a nest, Which, o'er the callow young, a sparrow pressed. Dryden. 2. Immature; boyish; "green"; as, a callow youth. I perceive by this, thou art but a callow maid. Old Play .
    A kind of head covering; a caul. Chaucer.
    A gun, pistol, or any weapon from a shot is discharged by the force of an explosive substance, as gunpowder.
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    See BONE
    A name given to four of the twelve astrological "houses." Chaucer. 5. Etym: (more info) 1. The inclosed space near the point where two lines; a corner; a nook. Into the utmost angle of the world. Spenser. To search the tenderest angles
    A strap of a bridle, halter, or the like, passing under a horse's throat.
  • CALL
    callen, AS. ceallin; akin to Icel & Sw. kalla, Dan. kalde, D. kallen 1. To command or request to come or be present; to summon; as, to call a servant. Call hither Clifford; bid him come amain Shak. 2. To summon to the discharge of a particular
    1. The act of discharging cannon and throwing ball, shell, etc., for the purpose of destroying an army, or battering a town, ship, or fort; -- usually, an attack of some continuance. A furious cannonade was kept up from the whole circle
    A man employed in placing supports of timber in a mine. Weale.
    A certain quantity of fur skins, as of martens, ermines, sables, etc., packed between boards; being in some cases forty skins, (more info) Sw. timber, LG. timmer, MHG. zimber, G. zimmer, F. timbre, LL.
    Cloudy; gloomy; lowering; as, a lowery sky; lowery weather.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    The Muse that presides over eloquence and heroic poetry; mother of Orpheus, and chief of the nine Muses. (more info) beautiful) +
    A plant coif or skullcap. Same as Calotte. B. Jonson.
    One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.
    Away from the mesial plane of the body; lateral. External angles. See under Angle. (more info) 1. Outward; exterior; relating to the outside, as of a body; being without; acting from without; -- opposed to internal; as, the external
    Hindermost; -- superl. of Hind, a. Chaucer.
    A willow. See Willow, n., 2.
    The anemone; -- so called because formerly supposed to open only when the wind was blowing. See Anemone.
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    In a gymnastic manner.
    In a hypercritical manner.
    Dressed with garlands of flowers. Milton.
    An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable. 2. The edible head or "curd" of a caulifower plant. (more info) caulis, and by E. flower; F. chou cabbage is fr. L.
    Not empirically; without experiment or experience.
    A kind of small onion , native of Palestine; the eschalot, or shallot. 2. Any onion which does not "bottom out," but remains with a thick stem like a leek. Amer. Cyc.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    In a univocal manner; in one term; in one sense; not equivocally. How is sin univocally distinguished into venial and mortal, if the venial be not sin Bp. Hall.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    1. By way of parable; in a parabolic manner. 2. In the form of a parabola.
    In a stereographical manner; by delineation on a plane.
    A genus of plants, some species of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers; day lily.
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    A genus of perennial herbs with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem. Note: There are nearly one hundred species, natives of the north


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