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Word Meanings - CARTRIDGE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A complete charge for a firearm, contained in, or held together by, a case, capsule, or shell of metal, pasteboard, or other material. Ball cartridge, a cartridge containing a projectile. -- Blank cartrige, a cartridge without a projectile,

Additional info about word: CARTRIDGE

A complete charge for a firearm, contained in, or held together by, a case, capsule, or shell of metal, pasteboard, or other material. Ball cartridge, a cartridge containing a projectile. -- Blank cartrige, a cartridge without a projectile, -- Center-fire cartridge, a cartridge in which the fulminate occupies an axial position usually in the center of the base of the capsule, instead of being contained in its rim. In the Prussian needle gun the fulminate is applied to the middle of the base of the bullet. Rim-fire cartridge, a cartridge in which the fulminate is contained in a rim surrounding its base. -- Cartridge bag, a bag of woolen cloth, to hold a charge for a cannon. -- Cartridge belt, a belt having pocket for cartridges. -- Cartridge box, a case, usually of leather, attached to a belt or strap, for holding cartridges. -- Cartridge paper. A thick stout paper for inclosing cartridges. A rough tinted paper used for covering walls, and also for making drawings upon.

Related words: (words related to CARTRIDGE)

    , a. Having no shell. J. Burroughs.
    Beyond the scope or province of logic.
    Burdensome; troublesome. Chaucer.
    A gun, pistol, or any weapon from a shot is discharged by the force of an explosive substance, as gunpowder.
    Of, pertaining to, or characterized by, the essential and implied properties of a metal, as contrasted with a nonmetal or metalloid; basic; antacid; positive. Metallic iron, iron in the state of the metal, as distinquished from its ores, as magnetic
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    1. A load or burder laid upon a person or thing. 2. A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management of another; a trust. Note: The people of a parish or church are called the charge of the clergyman who is set over them.
    Having the form or structure of a metal.
    That which is contained; the extent; the substance. The containment of a rich man's estate. Fuller.
    One who, or that which, shells; as, an oyster sheller; a corn sheller.
    1. That may be charged, laid, imposed, or imputes; as, a duty chargeable on iron; a fault chargeable on a man. 2. Subject to be charge or accused; liable or responsible; as, revenues chargeable with a claim; a man chargeable with murder. 3. Serving
    A buttonhole stitch worked wide apart on the edge of material, as blankets, too thick to hem.
    Having all the parts or organs which belong to it or to the typical form; having calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistil. Syn. -- See Whole. (more info) 1. Filled up; with no part or element lacking; free from deficienty; entire; perfect; consummate.
    The production and working or manufacture of metals. R. Park.
    A print made by metallography.
    A clause, as in a blanket mortgage or policy, that includes a group or class of things, rather than a number mentioned individually and having the burden, loss, or the like, apportioned among them.
    A diplomatic representative, or minister of an inferior grade, accredited by the government of one state to the minister of foreign affairs of another; also, a substitute, ad interim, for an ambassador or minister plenipotentiary.
    Outdoor; exterior. "Her without-door form." Shak.
    An instrument like a pianoforte, but having metal bars instead of strings. An instrument like the xylophone, but having metallic instead of wooden bars.
    1. Cloth for blankets. 2. The act or punishment of tossing in a blanket. That affair of the blanketing happened to thee for the fault thou wast guilty of. Smollett.
    A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell .
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    Having two distinct capsules; bicapsular.
    Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    Any marine gastropod shell of the genus Apporhais having an elongated siphon. See Illust. under Rostrifera.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    To charge erroneously, as in account. -- n.
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    To charge ; to impose upon. His countenance would express the spirit and the passion of the part he was encharged with. Jeffrey.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    Relating to equality of temperature. Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature, as exhibited by means of isotherms; as, an isothermal line; an isothermal chart. Isothermal line. An isotherm. A line drawn on a diagram


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