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Word Meanings - CHRYSELEPHANTINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Composed of, or adorned with, gold and ivory. Note: The chryselephantine statues of the Greeks were built up with inferior materials, veneered, as it were, with ivory for the flesh, and gold decorated with color for the hair and garments.

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    A vender of paints, etc. Simmonds.
    Belonging to the Compositæ; composite. Darwin.
    To deck with that which is becoming, ornamental, or honorary; to adorn; to beautify; to embellish; as, to decorate the person; to decorate an edifice; to decorate a lawn with flowers; to decorate the mind with moral beauties; to decorate a hero
    By adorning; decoratively.
    In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
    The act of fleshing, or the excitement attending a successful beginning. Shak.
    1. The act of composing, or that which is composed; a composition. Signor Pietro, who had an admirable way both of composure and teaching. Evelyn. 2. Orderly adjustment; disposition. Various composures and combinations of these corpuscles.
    Able to exist with another thing; consistent. Chillingworth.
    The state or condition of having a form of flesh; incarnation. Thou, who hast thyself Endured this fleshhood. Mrs. Browning.
    Colored. Ray.
    The quantitative determination of the depth of color of a substance. 2. A method of quantitative chemical analysis based upon the comparison of the depth of color of a solution with that of a standard liquid.
    To arrange in a composing stick in order for printing; to set . (more info) 1. To form by putting together two or more things or parts; to put together; to make up; to fashion. Zeal ought to be composed of the hidhest degrees of all
    1. One who composes; an author. Specifically, an author of a piece of music. If the thoughts of such authors have nothing in them, they at least . . . show an honest industry and a good intention in the composer. Addison. His most brilliant and
    The state of being inferior; a lower state or condition; as, inferiority of rank, of talents, of age, of worth. A deep sense of our own great inferiority. Boyle.
    A yellowish beetle , with ten longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very destructive to the potato plant; -- called also potato beetle and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
    Belonging to a certain order which is composed of the Ionic order grafted upon the Corinthian. It is called also the Roman or the Italic order, and is one of the five orders recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. See Capital.
    The state of being fleshy; plumpness; corpulence; grossness. Milton.
    Shape; build; form of structure; as, the built of a ship. Dryden.
    Mercury telluride, an iron-black metallic mineral, found in Colorado.
    Incapableness of decomposition; stability; permanence; durability.
    Of the same color; of uniform color. "Concolor animals." Sir T. Browne.
    Disgrace; dishonor. Bailey.
    To separate the constituent parts of; to resolve into original elements; to set free from previously existing forms of chemical combination; to bring to dissolution; to rot or decay.
    A brownish yellow color. (more info) Spanish princess Isabella, daughter of king Philip II., in allusion to the color assumed by her shift, which she wore without change from
    1. The flesh of horses. The Chinese eat horseflesh at this day. Bacon. 2. Horses, generally; the qualities of a horse; as, he is a judge of horseflesh. Horseflesh ore , a miner's name for bornite, in allusion to its peculiar reddish color on
    1. The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of


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