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Word Meanings - CLOAKROOM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A room, attached to any place of public resort, where cloaks, overcoats, etc., may be deposited for a time.

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    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    One who makes a deposit, especially of money in bank; -- the correlative of depository.
    1. In which; in which place, thing, time, respect, or the like; -- used relatively. Her clothes wherein she was clad. Chaucer. There are times wherein a man ought to be cautious as well as innocent. Swift. 2. In what; -- used interrogatively. Yet
    1. With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made. 2. In the name of the community. Addison.
    In Great Britain, any of various schools maintained by the community, wholly or partly under public control, or maintained largely by endowment and not carried on chiefly for profit; specif., and commonly, any of various select and usually
    At or in whatever place; wheresoever. He can not but love virtue wherever it is. Atterbury.
    1. The act of placing, or the state of being placed. 2. Position; place.
    Having reference to the placenta; as, the placentary system of classification.
    To make a place kick; to make by a place kick. -- Place"-kick`er, n.
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    1. The quality or state of being public, or open to the view or notice of people at large; publicity; notoriety; as, the publicness of a sale. 2. The quality or state of belonging to the community; as, the publicness of property. Boyle.
    1. The act of going to, or making application; a betaking one's self; the act of visiting or seeking; recourse; as, a place of popular resort; -- often figuratively; as, to have resort to force. Join with me to forbid him her resort. Shak. 2. A
    1. To which; -- used relatively. "Whereto we have already attained." Phil. iii. 16. Whereto all bonds do tie me day by day. Shak. 2. To what; to what end; -- used interrogatively.
    A farmer of the taxes and public revenues; hence, a collector of toll or tribute. The inferior officers of this class were often oppressive in their exactions, and were regarded with great detestation. As Jesus at meat . . . many publicans
    1. Considering that; it being the case that; since; -- used to introduce a preamble which is the basis of declarations, affirmations, commands, requests, or like, that follow. 2. When in fact; while on the contrary; the case being in truth that;
    1. The act of publishing or making known; notification to the people at large, either by words, writing, or printing; proclamation; divulgation; promulgation; as, the publication of the law at Mount Sinai; the publication of the gospel;
    Wherever; -- a contracted and poetical form. Cowper.
    One to whom goods are bailed, to be kept for the bailor without a recompense. Kent. (more info) 1. One with whom anything is lodged in the trust; one who receives a deposit; -- the correlative of depositor. I . . . made you my guardians,
    The act of laying down one's testimony in writing; also, testimony laid or taken down in writting, under oath or affirmation, befor some competent officer, and in reply to interrogatories and cross-interrogatories. Syn. -- Deposition, Affidavit.
    1. Into which; -- used relatively. Where is that palace whereinto foul things Sometimes intrude not Shak. The brook, whereinto he loved to look. Emerson. 2. Into what; -- used interrogatively.
    Whether. Piers Plowman. Men must enquire , Wher she be wise or sober or dronkelewe. Chaucer.
    The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes. (more info) 1. The act of replacing.
    Ubiquity; omnipresence. Grew.
    In every place; in all places; hence, in every part; throughly; altogether.
    1. Calm contentment; satisfaction; gratification. The inward complacence we find in acting reasonably and virtuously. Atterbury. Others proclaim the infirmities of a great man with satisfaction and complacency, if they discover none of the like


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