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Word Meanings - CORROBOREE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A nocturnal festivity with which the Australian aborigines celebrate tribal events of importance. Symbolic dances are given by the young men of the tribe, while the women act as musicians. 2. A song or chant made for such a festivity. 3. A

Additional info about word: CORROBOREE

1. A nocturnal festivity with which the Australian aborigines celebrate tribal events of importance. Symbolic dances are given by the young men of the tribe, while the women act as musicians. 2. A song or chant made for such a festivity. 3. A festivity or social gathering, esp. one of a noisy or uproarious character; hence, tumult; uproar.

Related words: (words related to CORROBOREE)

    Somewhat young. Tatler.
    1. Meanwhile; meantime. The good knight whiles humming to himself the lay of some majored troubadour. Sir. W. Scott. 2. sometimes; at times. Sir W. Scott. The whiles. See under While, n.
    1. Of, pertaining to, done or occuring in, the night; as, nocturnal darkness, cries, expedition, etc.; -- opposed to Ant: diurnal. Dryden. 2. Having a habit of seeking food or moving about at night; as, nocturnal birds and insects.
    , , AS. geong; akin to OFries. iung, iong, D. joing, OS., OHG., & G. jung, Icel. ungr, Sw. & Dan. ung, Goth. juggs, Lith. jaunas, Russ. iunuii, L. juvencus, juvenis, Skr. juva, juven. Junior, Juniper, 1. Not long born; still in the first part of
    A little while ago; recently; just now; erewhile. Helpeth me now as I did you whilere. Chaucer. He who, with all heaven's heraldry, whilere Entered the world. Milton.
    Youth. Youngth is a bubble blown up with breath. Spenser.
    The quality or state of being young.
    1. To extol or honor in a solemn manner; as, to celebrate the name of the Most High. 2. To honor by solemn rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly; to keep; as, to celebrate a birthday.
    A number of species or genera having certain structural characteristics in common; as, a tribe of plants; a tribe of animals. Note: By many recent naturalists, tribe has been used for a group of animals or plants intermediate between order
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    A name for several species of mushroom, of which one is edible, the others reputed poisonous.
    By night; nightly.
    A young human being; a child; also, a young animal, as a colt.
    A sailor's song. May we lift a deep-sea chantey such as seamen use at sea Kipling.
    Singing, esp. as a chant is sung. Chanting falcon , an African falcon . The male has the habit, remarkable in a bird of prey, of singing to his mate, while she is incubating.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    An organization for promoting the spiritual, intellectual, social, and economic welfare of young women, originating in 1855 with Lady Kinnaird's home for young women, and Miss Emma Robert's prayer union for young women,in England, which
    A system of balloting or voting in public elections, originally used in South Australia, in which there is such an arrangement for polling votes that secrecy is compulsorily maintained, and the ballot used is an official ballot printed
    The study of ancient symbols; esp. ,
    One of two processes near the head of the femur, the outer being called the great trochanter, and the inner the small trochanter.
    wigl, G. weile, OHG. wila, hwila, hwil, Icel. hvila a bed, hvild rest, Sw. hvila, Dan. hvile, Goth. hweila a time, and probably to L. 1. Space of time, or continued duration, esp. when short; a time; as, one while we thought him innocent. "All
    An obstetrical instrument for performing cephalotripsy.
    Like a young person or thing; young; youthful. Shak.
    Of or pertaining to one or both of the trochanters.
    1. A priestess of Bacchus. 2. A female bacchanal.
    Till then or now; heretofore; formerly.
    A prolonged or exhaustive discussion; especially, an acrimonious or invective harangue; a strain of abusive or railing language; a philippic. The ephemeral diatribe of a faction. John Morley.
    A division of a tribe; a group of genera of a little lower rank than a tribe.
    Not to be gashed or marked with furrows. As easy mayest thou the intrenchant air With thy keen sword impress, as make me bleed. Shak.
    1. The body of merchants taken collectively; as, the merchantry of a country. 2. The business of a merchant; merchandise. Walpole.


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