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Word Meanings - DEATH'S-HERB - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The deadly nightshade . Dr. Prior.

Related words: (words related to DEATH\'S-HERB)

    The state or office of prior; priorate.
    A common name of many species of the genus Solanum, given esp. to the Solanum nigrum, or black nightshade, a low, branching weed with small white flowers and black berries reputed to be poisonous. Deadly nightshade. Same as Belladonna
    1. The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as, priority of application. 2. Precedence; superior rank. Shak. Priority of debts, a superior claim to payment, or a claim to payment before others.
    The dignity, office, or government, of a prior. T. Warton.
    A lady superior of a priory of nuns, and next in dignity to an abbess.
    1. Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive; certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound. 2. Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies. Thy assailant is
    A religious house presided over by a prior or prioress; -- sometimes an offshoot of, an subordinate to, an abbey, and called also cell, and obedience. See Cell, 2. Note: Of such houses there were two sorts: one where the prior was chosen by the
    Previously. Geddes.
    Preceding in the order of time; former; antecedent; anterior; previous; as, a prior discovery; prior obligation; -- used (more info) compar. corresponding to primus first, and pro for. See Former, and
    Not subject to death; immortal. -- Un*dead"li*ness, n. Wyclif.
    The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
    An a priori principle.
    The quality of being innate in the mind, or prior to experience; a priori reasoning.
    Characterizing that kind of reasoning which deduces consequences from definitions formed, or principles assumed, or which infers effects from causes previously known; deductive or deductively. The reverse of a posteriori.


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