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Word Meanings - DEATHLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Deadly; fatal; mortal; destructive.

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    , . Quality of being fatal. Johnson.
    Implying, or partaking of the nature of, fatalism.
    The faculty supposed to impel to the commission of acts of destruction; propensity to destroy. (more info) 1. The quality of destroying or ruining. Prynne.
    1. The state of being fatal, or proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of, free and rational control. The Stoics held a fatality, and a fixed, unalterable course of events. South. 2. The state of being fatal;
    In a destructive manner.
    The doctrine that all things are subject to fate, or that they take place by inevitable necessity.
    1. The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying. When I saw her die, I then did think on your mortality. Carew. 2. Human life; the life of a mortal being. From this instant There 's nothing serious
    fr. moriri 8die; akin to E. murder. See Murder, and cf. Filemot, Mere 1. Subject to death; destined to die; as, man is mortal. 2. Destructive to life; causing or occasioning death; terminating life; exposing to or deserving death; deadly; as, a
    1. Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive; certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound. 2. Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies. Thy assailant is
    1. In a manner proceeding from, or determined by, fate. Bentley. 2. In a manner issuing in death or ruin; mortally; destructively; as, fatally deceived or wounded.
    One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity.
    Causing destruction; tending to bring about ruin, death, or devastation; ruinous; fatal; productive of serious evil; mischievous; pernicious; -- often with of or to; as, intemperance is destructive of health; evil examples are destructive to the
    1. Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny; necessary; inevitable. These thing are fatal and necessary. Tillotson. It was fatal to the king to fight for his money. Bacon. 2. Foreboding death or great disaster. That fatal screech owl to
    Quality of being mortal; mortality.
    To make mortal.
    1. In a mortal manner; so as to cause death; as, mortally wounded. 2. In the manner of a mortal or of mortal beings. I was mortally brought forth. Shak. 3. In an extreme degree; to the point of dying or causing death; desperately; as, mortally
    Not subject to death; immortal. -- Un*dead"li*ness, n. Wyclif.
    One who holds the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Jer. Taylor.
    1. Not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever; having unlimited, or eternal, existance. Unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible. 1 Tim. i. 17. For my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal
    1. To render immortal; to cause to live or exist forever. S. Clarke. 2. To exempt from oblivion; to perpetuate in fame. Alexander had no Homer to immortalize his quilty name. T. Dawes.
    In an immortal manner.
    1. The quality or state of being immortal; exemption from death and annihilation; unending existance; as, the immortality of the soul. This mortal must put on immortality. 1 Cor. xv. 53. 2. Exemption from oblivion; perpetuity; as, the immortality
    The act of immortalizing, or state of being immortalized.


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