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Word Meanings - DEMICADENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An imperfect or half cadence, falling on the dominant instead of on the key note.

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    Gay ornaments; frippery; gewgaws. Thackeray.
    A part which acts by falling, as a stamp in a fulling mill, or the device in a spinning machine to arrest motion when a thread breaks. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, falls.
    Left untilled or unsowed after plowing; uncultivated; as, fallow ground. Fallow chat, Fallow finch , a small European bird, the wheatear . See Wheatear. (more info) vaal fallow, faded, OHG. falo, G. falb, fahl, Icel. fölr, and prob. to Lith.
    Pertaining to, or discovered by, Fallopius; as, the Fallopian tubes or oviducts, the ducts or canals which conduct the ova from the ovaries to the uterus.
    1. Not perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; deective; deficient. Something he left imperfect in the state. Shak. Why, then, your other senses grow imperfect. Shak. 2. Wanting in some elementary organ that is essential
    See CADENCY (more info) 1. The act or state of declining or sinking. Now was the sun in western cadence low. Milton. 2. A fall of the voice in reading or speaking, especially at the end of a sentence. 3.
    1. In the place or room; -- usually followed by of. Let thistles grow of wheat. Job xxxi. 40. Absalom made Amasa captain of the host instead of Joab. 2 Sam. xvii.
    An exception. Jer. Taylor.
    Dropped; prostrate; degraded; ruined; decreased; dead. Some ruined temple or fallen monument. Rogers.
    A fresh-water fish of the United States ; - - called also silver chub, and Shiner. The name is also applied to other allied species.
    from Fall, v. i. Falling away, Falling off, etc. See To fall away, To fall off, etc., under Fall, v. i. -- Falling band, the plain, broad, linen collar turning down over the doublet, worn in the early part of the 17th century. -- Falling sickness
    Incapable of being mad perfect.
    In a fallible manner.
    Cavillation; a caviling. Cranmer.
    Ruling; governing; prevailing; controlling; predominant; as, the dominant party, church, spirit, power. The member of a dominant race is, in his dealings with the subject race, seldom indeed fraudulent, . . . but imperious, insolent, and cruel.
    A well or opening, through the successive floors of a warehouse or manufactory, through which goods are raised or lowered. Bartlett.
    The state or quality of being imperfectible.
    Embodying or pertaining to a fallacy; illogical; fitted to deceive; misleading; delusive; as, fallacious arguments or reasoning. -- Fal*la"cious*ly, adv. -Fal*la"cious*ness, n.
  • FALL
    G. fallen, Icel. Falla, Sw. falla, Dan. falde, Lith. pulti, L. fallere to deceive, Gr. sfa`llein to cause to fall, Skr. sphal, 1. To Descend, either suddenly or gradually; particularly, to descend by the force of gravity; to drop; to sink; as,
    An argument, or apparent argument, which professes to be decisive of the matter at issue, while in reality it is not; a sophism. Syn. -- Deception; deceit; mistake. -- Fallacy, Sophistry. A fallacy is an argument which professes to be decisive,
    To plow for the third time in summer; to trifallow. Tusser.
    Infallible. Shak.
    To befall, as ill luck; to happen to unluckily. Chaucer.
    Having the ascendency over others; superior in strength, influence, or authority; prevailing; as, a predominant color; predominant excellence. Those help . . . were predominant in the king's mind. Bacon. Foul subordination is predominant. Shak.
    To happen to. I beseech your grace that I may know The worst that may befall me. Shak.
    In an infallible manner; certainly; unfailingly; unerringly. Blair.
    A fall or descent of rain; the water, or amount of water, that falls in rain; as, the average annual rainfall of a region. Supplied by the rainfall of the outer ranges of Sinchul and Singaleleh. Hooker.
    Dejected; chopfallen.
    1. With hanging head; hence, dispirited; dejected; cowed. Let it make thee crestfullen; Ay, and allay this thy abortive pride. Shak. 2. Having the crest, or upper part of the neck, hanging to one side; -- said of a horse.
    Entrapping; insnaring. "Full of . . . contradiction and pitfalling dispenses." Milton.
    To plow the third time before sowing, as land. Mortimer.
    Fallen; ruined. Carew.


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