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Word Meanings - DEMONRY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Demoniacal influence or possession. J. Baillie.

Related words: (words related to DEMONRY)

    1. A possessor; a property holder. "Possessioners of riches." E. Hall. Having been of old freemen and possessioners. Sir P. Sidney. 2. An invidious name for a member of any religious community endowed with property in lands, buildings, etc.,
    Of or pertaining to possession; arising from possession.
    Induction. Syn. -- Control; persuasion; ascendency; sway; power; authority; supremacy; mastery; management; restraint; character; reputation; prestige. (more info) 1. A flowing in or upon; influx. God hath his influence into the very essence of
    In a demoniacal manner.
    One who, or that which, influences.
    The having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command; actual seizin or occupancy; ownership, whether rightful or wrongful. Note: Possession may be either actual or constructive; actual, when a party has the immediate occupancy;
    1. Bailiff. 2. Same as Bailie.
    The putting out of possession, wrongfully or otherwise, of one who is in possession of a freehold, no matter in what title; -- called also ouster. (more info) 1. The act of putting out of possession; the state of being dispossessed. Bp. Hall.
    1. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, a demon or evil spirit; devilish; as, a demoniac being; demoniacal practices. Sarcastic, demoniacal laughter. Thackeray. 2. Influenced or produced by a demon or evil spirit; as, demoniac or demoniacal power.
    The possession of one's powers; calmness; self-command; presence of mind; composure.
    1. Preoccupation; prior possession. Hammond. 2. Preoccupation of the mind by an opinion, or impression, already formed; preconceived opinion; previous impression; bias; -- generally, but not always, used in a favorable sense; as, the prepossessions
    To influence in an excessive degree; to have undue influence over.
    The act or the state of possessing again.


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