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Word Meanings - DIGITALIN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Any one of several extracts of foxglove , as the "French extract," the "German extract," etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties. A supposedly distinct vegetable principle as the essential ingredient of the extracts.

Additional info about word: DIGITALIN

Any one of several extracts of foxglove , as the "French extract," the "German extract," etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties. A supposedly distinct vegetable principle as the essential ingredient of the extracts. It is a white, crystalline substance, and is regarded as a glucoside.

Related words: (words related to DIGITALIN)

    1. The quality or state of being distinct; a separation or difference that prevents confusion of parts or things. The soul's . . . distinctness from the body. Cudworth. 2. Nice discrimination; hence, clearness; precision; as, he stated
    In the way of differentiation.
    In a different manner; variously.
    The act of Germanizing. M. Arnold.
    Capable of being extracted.
    State of being distinctive.
    1. Distinct; separate; not the same; other. "Five different churches." Addison. 2. Of various or contrary nature, form, or quality; partially or totally unlike; dissimilar; as, different kinds of food or drink; different states of health; different
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    1. Marking or expressing distinction or difference; distinguishing; characteristic; peculiar. The distinctive character and institutions of New England. Bancroft. 2. Having the power to distinguish and discern; discriminating. Sir T. Browne.
    The plural of himself, herself, and itself. See Himself, Herself, Itself.
    1. An idiom of the German language. 2. A characteristic of the Germans; a characteristic German mode, doctrine, etc.; rationalism. J. W. Alexander.
    1. A marking off by visible signs; separation into parts; division. The distinction of tragedy into acts was not known. Dryden. 2. The act of distinguishing or denoting the differences between objects, or the qualities by which one is known from
    Literally, near akin; hence, closely allied; appropriate or fitting; relevant. The phrase would be more germane to the matter. Shak. must be germane. Barclay .
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish the bearings of two persons, which would otherwise be the same. See Augmentation, and Marks of cadency, under Cadency. (more info) 1. The act of differing; the state or measure of being different or
    1. To draw out or forth; to pull out; to remove forcibly from a fixed position, as by traction or suction, etc.; as, to extract a tooth from its socket, a stump from the earth, a splinter from the finger. The bee Sits on the bloom extracting liquid
    Of or pertaining to France or its inhabitants. French bean , the common kidney bean . -- French berry , the berry of a species of buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus), which affords a saffron, green or purple pigment. -- French casement See French
    Each particular taken singly; distinction. Bp. Hall.
    Necessary; indispensable; -- said of those tones which constitute a chord, in distinction from ornamental or passing tones. (more info) 1. Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. Majestic as the
    Absence of interest in, or influence from, anything; unconcernedness; equilibrium; indifferentism; indifference. Gladstone. To give ourselves to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in this cause. Fuller. Moral liberty . . . does not, after all,
    Distinguished by opposite qualities. J. Goodwin.
    In an indifferent manner; without distinction or preference; impartially; without concern, wish, affection, or aversion; tolerably; passably. That they may truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to
    Want of distinction or distinguishableness; confusion; uncertainty; indiscrimination. The indistinction of many of the same name . . . hath made some doubt. Sir T. Browne. An indistinction of all persons, or equality of all orders, is far from being
    1. The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of
    An aqueous solution of the subacetate of lead, used as a lotion in cases of inflammation. Goulard's cerate is a cerate containing this extract.
    A sailor belonging to a dogger.
    In an indistinct manner; not clearly; confusedly; dimly; as, certain ideas are indistinctly comprehended. In its sides it was bounded distinctly, but on its ends confusedly an indistinctly. Sir I. Newton.


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