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Word Meanings - EXEGESIS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The process of finding the roots of an equation. (more info) 1. Exposition; explanation; especially, a critical explanation of a text or portion of Scripture.

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    One who, or that which, finds; specifically , a small telescope of low power and large field of view, attached to a larger telescope, for the purpose of finding an object more readily.
    Proceeding; advancing. Because it is language, -- ergo, processive. Coleridge.
    1. In a critical manner; with nice discernment; accurately; exactly. Critically to discern good writers from bad. Dryden. 2. At a crisis; at a critical time; in a situation. place, or condition of decisive consequence; as, a fortification
    One who goes or marches in a procession.
    One of the incumbents of a benefice which has two or more rectors or vicars. (more info) 1. A scholar at Merton College, Oxford, who has a certain academical allowance or portion; -- corrupted into postmaster. Shipley.
    1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or displaying to public view. 2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
    1. The act of explaining, expounding, or interpreting; the act of clearing from obscurity and making intelligible; as, the explanation of a passage in Scripture, or of a contract or treaty. 2. That which explains or makes clear; as, a satisfactory
    Pertaining to a procession; consisting in processions; as, processionary service. Processionary moth , any moth of the genus Cnethocampa, especially C. processionea of Europe, whose larvæ make large webs on oak trees, and go out to feed in regular
    A perennial underground stem, producing leafly s
    Apt to censure or cavil; faultfinding; captious. Whitlock.
    An expression of the condition of equality between two algebraic quantities or sets of quantities, the sign = being placed between them; as, a binomial equation; a quadratic equation; an algebraic equation; a transcendental equation; an exponential
    1. The state or quality of being critical, or of occurring at a critical time. 2. Accuracy in examination or decision; exactness.
    A censurer or caviler.
    1. That which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole; a separated part of anything. 2. A part considered by itself, though not actually cut off or separated from the whole. These are parts of his ways; but how little a portion is heard
    See 2 (more info) 1. One who portions.
    In an especial manner; chiefly; particularly; peculiarly; in an uncommon degree.
    A proceeding prescribed by statute for ascertaining and fixing the boundaries of land. See 2d Procession. Bouvier.
    Having no portion.
  • FIND
    findan; akin to D. vinden, OS. & OHG. findan, G. finden, Dan. finde, icel. & Sw. finna, Goth. fin; and perh. to L. petere to seek, Gr. pat 1. To meet with, or light upon, accidentally; to gain the first sight or knowledge of, as of something new,
    A plate prepared by a mechanical process, esp. a photomechanical process. A very slow photographic plate, giving good contrasts between high lights and shadows, used esp. for making lantern slides.
    In a disproportional manner; unsuitably in form, quantity, or value; unequally.
    Not proportionate.
    In a hypercritical manner.
    Disproportional; unsuitable in form, size, quantity, or adaptation; disproportionate; inadequate. -- Dis`pro*por"tion*a*ble*ness, n. Hammond. -- Dis`pro*por"tion*a*bly, adv.
    The state of being disproportional. Dr. H. More.
    Adjusted to something else according to a proportion; proportional. Longfellow. What is proportionate to his transgression. Locke.
    A second or a new apportionment.
    To give wrong proportions to; to join without due proportion.
    Having no crisis; giving no indications of a crisis; as, acritical symptoms, an acritical abscess.
    That variety of either the Bessemer or the open-hearth process in which the converter or hearth is lined with acid, that is, highly siliceous, material. Opposed to basic process.
    Not proportioned; unsymmetrical; unsuitable to something else in bulk, form, value, or extent; out of proportion; inadequate; as, in a perfect body none of the limbs are disproportionate; it is wisdom not to undertake a work disproportionate means.
    A process of extracting gold or silver by treating the ore in a revolving barrel, or drum, with mercury, chlorine, cyanide solution, or other reagent.
    A Bessemer or open-hearth steel-making process in which a lining that is basic, or not siliceous, is used, and additions of basic material are made to the molten charge during treatment. Opposed to acid process, above. Called also Thomas process.


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