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Word Meanings - EXTEMPORANEOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment, or without previous study; unpremeditated; off-hand; extempore; extemporary; as, an extemporaneous address or production. -- Ex*tem`po*ra"ne*ous*ly, adv. -- Ex*tem`po*ra"ne*ous*ness,n.

Related words: (words related to EXTEMPORANEOUS)

    Belonging to the Compositæ; composite. Darwin.
    The quality or state of being previous; priority or antecedence in time.
    In an utter manner; to the full extent; fully; totally; as, utterly ruined; it is utterly vain.
    The quality or state of being utter, or extreme; extremity; utmost; uttermost.
    Every moment; from moment to moment. Shenstone.
    1. The act of composing, or that which is composed; a composition. Signor Pietro, who had an admirable way both of composure and teaching. Evelyn. 2. Orderly adjustment; disposition. Various composures and combinations of these corpuscles.
    Able to exist with another thing; consistent. Chillingworth.
    To arrange in a composing stick in order for printing; to set . (more info) 1. To form by putting together two or more things or parts; to put together; to make up; to fashion. Zeal ought to be composed of the hidhest degrees of all
    1. One who composes; an author. Specifically, an author of a piece of music. If the thoughts of such authors have nothing in them, they at least . . . show an honest industry and a good intention in the composer. Addison. His most brilliant and
    To consign or intrust to the care of another, as agent or factor; as, the ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore. To address one's self to. To prepare one's self for; to apply one's self to. To direct one's speech or discourse to. (more
    Of moment or consequence; very important; weighty; as, a momentous decision; momentous affairs. -- Mo*men"tous*ly, adv. -- Mo*men"tous*ness, n.
    Outdoor; exterior. "Her without-door form." Shak.
    1. Outer. "Thine utter eyen." Chaucer. "By him a shirt and utter mantle laid." Chapman. As doth an hidden moth The inner garment fret, not th' utter touch. Spenser. 2. Situated on the outside, or extreme limit; remote from the center; outer.
    Without; outside' outwardly. Cf. Withinforth. Chaucer.
    Belonging to a certain order which is composed of the Ionic order grafted upon the Corinthian. It is called also the Roman or the Italic order, and is one of the five orders recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. See Capital.
    The act of performing; the carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action; as, the performance of an undertaking of a duty. Promises are not binding where the performance is impossible. Paley.
    Extreme; utmost; being; in the farthest, greatest, or highest degree; as, the uttermost extent or end. "In this uttermost distress." Milton.
    Without previous study or meditation; without preparation; on the spur of the moment; suddenly; extemporaneously; as, to write or speak extempore. Shak. -- a.
    Manure; compost. Shak.
    A large family of dicotyledonous plants, having their flowers arranged in dense heads of many small florets and their anthers united in a tube. The daisy, dandelion, and asters, are examples.
    Incapableness of decomposition; stability; permanence; durability.
    Not utterable; incapable of being spoken or voiced; inexpressible; ineffable; unspeakable; as, unutterable anguish. Sighed and looked unutterable things. Thomson. -- Un*ut"ter*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*ut"ter*a*bly, adv.
    One who mutters.
    1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. 2. A small channel at the roadside or elsewhere, to lead off surface water. Gutters running with ale. Macaulay. 3. Any narrow channel or groove;
    A kind of candy, mainly composed of sugar and butter. Dickens.
    An instrument to cut straw for fodder.
    To separate the constituent parts of; to resolve into original elements; to set free from previously existing forms of chemical combination; to bring to dissolution; to rot or decay.
    A plow for turning up grass land. A lawn mower.
    An instigator. Shak.
    The qualities and practices of a slut; sluttishness; slatternlines. Drayton.
    Not momentous; unimportant; insignificant. A. Seward.
    A scientific study of children, undertaken for the purpose of discovering the laws of development of the body and the mind from birth to manhood.
    Excessive production; supply beyond the demand. J. S. Mill.


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