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Word Meanings - FINNISH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Of or pertaining to Finland, to the Finns, or to their language. -- n.

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    Natives of Finland; Finlanders. A branch of the Mongolian race, inhabiting Northern and Eastern Europe, including the Magyars, Bulgarians, Permians, Lapps, and Finlanders.
    A native or inhabitant of Finland.
    stretch out, reach, pertain; per + tenere to hold, keep. See Per-, 1. To belong; to have connection with, or dependence on, something, as an appurtenance, attribute, etc.; to appertain; as, saltness pertains to the ocean; flowers pertain to plant
    tongue, hence speech, language; akin to E. tongue. See Tongue, cf. 1. Any means of conveying or communicating ideas; specifically, human speech; the expression of ideas by the voice; sounds, expressive of thought, articulated by the organs of the
    Lacking or wanting language; speechless; silent. Shak.
    Having a language; skilled in language; -- chiefly used in composition. " Manylanguaged nations." Pope.
    The possessive case of the personal pronoun they; as, their houses; their country. Note: The possessive takes the form theirs (theirs is best cultivated. Nothing but the name of zeal appears 'Twixt our best actions and the worst of theirs. Denham.
    Employing too many words; diffuse. Lowell.
    The peculiar language or phraseology of seamen; sailor's cant.
    A family of languages, mostly of the isolating type, although some are agglutinative, spoken in the great area extending from northern India in the west to Formosa in the east and from Central Asia in the north to the Malay Peninsula in the south.
    To belong or pertain, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate. Things appertaining to this life. Hooker. Give it unto him to whom it appertaineth. Lev. vi. 5. (more info) appartenir, fr. L. appertinere; ad + pertinere to reach


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