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Word Meanings - FORMERLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.

Related words: (words related to FORMERLY)

    Beforehand; antecedently.
    A space marked out in the last part of a race course. The horse that ran the whole field out of distance. L'Estrange. Note: In trotting matches under the rules of the American Association, the distance varies with the conditions of the race, being
    Having a precedent; authorized or sanctioned by an example of a like kind. Walpole.
    1. To go before in order of time; to occur first with relation to anything. "Harm precedes not sin." Milton. 2. To go before in place, rank, or importance. 3. To cause to be preceded; to preface; to introduce; -- used with by or with before the
    1. The act or state of preceding or going before in order of time; priority; as, one event has precedence of another. 2. The act or state of going or being before in rank or dignity, or the place of honor; right to a more honorable place; superior
    Too numerous or variable to make a particular enumeration important; -- said of the parts of a flower, and the like. Also, indeterminate. Indefinite article , the word a or an, used with nouns to denote any one of a common or general class. --
    Up to this time; hitherto; before; in time past. Shak.
    1. In an immediate manner; without intervention of any other person or thing; proximately; directly; -- opposed to mediately; as, immediately contiguous. God's acceptance of it either immediately by himself, or mediately by the hands of the bishop.
    The quality of being indefinite.
    Of the nature of a precedent; having force as an example for imitation; as, precedential transactions. All their actions in that time are not precedential to warrant posterity. Fuller.
    In an indefinite manner or degree; without any settled limitation; vaguely; not with certainty or exactness; as, to use a word indefinitely. If the world be indefinitely extended, that is, so far as no human intellect can fancy any bound of it. Ray.
    In the direction toward which stars appear to move. See Following, 2. (more info) 1. Going before; -- opposed to following.
    Going before; anterior; preceding; antecedent; as, precedent services. Shak. "A precedent injury." Bacon. Condition precedent , a condition which precede the vesting of an estate, or the accruing of a right.
    Preceding; antecedent; previous. Hammond.
    MHG. iegeweder); a + ge + hwæ whether. See Each, and Whether, and cf. 1. One of two; the one or the other; -- properly used of two things, but sometimes of a larger number, for any one. Lepidus flatters both, Of both is flattered; but he neither
    Equal distance.
    Not either; not the one or the other. Which of them shall I take Both one or neither Neither can be enjoyed, If both remain alive. Shak. He neither loves, Nor either cares for him. Shak. (more info) nahwæ; na never, not + hwæ whether. The word
    Having no precedent or example; not preceded by a like case; not having the authority of prior example; novel; new; unexampled. -- Un*prec"e*dent*ed*ly, adv.
    Up to that time; before then; -- correlative with heretofore.


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