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Word Meanings - GE- - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An Anglo-Saxon prefix. See Y-.

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    A fine grade of woolen yarn twisted somewhat harder and smoother than zephyr yarn.
    Of or pertaining to a church modeled on the English Reformation; Anglican; -- sometimes restricted to the ritualistic or High Church section of the Church of England.
    prae before + figere to fix: cf. F. préfix fixed beforehand, 1. To put or fix before, or at the beginning of, another thing; as, to prefix a syllable to a word, or a condition to an agreement. 2. To set or appoint beforehand; to settle
    An idiom of the Saxon or Anglo-Saxon language. T. Warton.
    The Teutonic people of England, or the English people, collectively, before the Norman Conquest. It is quite correct to call Æthelstan "King of the Anglo-Saxons," but to call this or that subject of Æthelstan "an Anglo-Saxon" is simply nonsense.
    1. A characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race; especially, a word or an idiom of the Anglo-Saxon tongue. M. Arnold. 2. The quality or sentiment of being Anglo-Saxon, or English in its ethnological sense.
    One versed in the Saxon language.
    Intense dread of, or aversion to, England or the English. -- An"glo*phobe, n.
    cf. AS. pl. Seaxe, Seaxan, fr. seax a knife, a short sword, a dagger (akin to OHG. sahs, and perhaps to L. saxum rock, stone, knives being originally made of stone); and cf. G. Sachse, pl. Sachsen. Cf. One of a nation or people who formerly dwelt
    One affected with Anglomania.
    relating to the saxons or Anglo-Saxons.
    The Anglo-Saxon domain (i. e., Great Britain and the United States, etc.); the Anglo-Saxon race.
    A mania for, or an inordinate attachment to, English customs, institutions, etc.
    The belief of those in the Church of England who accept many doctrines and practices which they maintain were those of the primitive, or true, Catholic Church, of which they consider the Church of England to be the lineal descendant.
    The act of prefixing. Bailey.
    1. A kind of glossy woolen cloth formerly much used. 2. Saxony yarn, or flannel made of it or similar yarn.
  • ANGLO-
    A combining form meaning the same as English; or English and, or English conjoined with; as, Anglo-Turkish treaty, Anglo-German, Anglo-Irish. Anglo-American, . Of or pertaining to the English and Americans, or to the descendants of Englishmen in
    Half Saxon; -- specifically applied to the language intermediate between Saxon and English, belonging to the period 1150-
    Benne ; also, its seeds; -- so called in the West Indies.


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