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Word Meanings - GOODMAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A familiar appellation of civility, equivalent to "My friend", "Good sir", "Mister;" -- sometimes used ironically. With you, goodman boy, an you please. Shak. 2. A husband; the master of a house or family; -- often used in speaking familiarly.

Additional info about word: GOODMAN

1. A familiar appellation of civility, equivalent to "My friend", "Good sir", "Mister;" -- sometimes used ironically. With you, goodman boy, an you please. Shak. 2. A husband; the master of a house or family; -- often used in speaking familiarly. Chaucer. Say ye to the goodman of the house, . . . Where is the guest-chamber Mark xiv. 14. Note: In the early colonial records of New England, the term goodman is frequently used as a title of designation, sometimes in a respectful manner, to denote a person whose first name was not known, or when it was not desired to use that name; in this use it was nearly equivalent to Mr. This use was doubtless brought with the first settlers from England.

Related words: (words related to GOODMAN)

    In a familiar manner.
    The condition or quality of being friendly. Sir P. Sidney.
    1. Having friends; 2. Iuclined to love; well-disposed. Shak.
    1. The state or office of a master. 2. Mastery; dominion; superior skill; superiority. Where noble youths for mastership should strive. Driden. 3. Chief work; masterpiece. Dryden. 4. An ironical title of respect. How now, seignior Launce ! what
    Masterly. Milton.
    1. Formerly; sometime. That fair and warlike form In which the majesty of buried Denmark Did sometimes march. Shak. 2. At times; at intervals; now and then;occasionally. It is good that we sometimes be contradicted. Jer. Taylor. Sometimes . . .
    A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for 3. A hussy. Shak. Sailor's housewife, a ditty-bag. (more info) 1. The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household. Shak. He a good husband, a good
    Capable of being husbanded, or managed with economy. Sherwood.
    A groupe of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoölogy
    Destitute of a husband. Shak.
    A feast or merry-making made by or for a family or business firm on taking possession of a new house or premises. Johnson.
    1. The state of being friends; friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons; affection arising from mutual esteem and good will; friendliness; amity; good will. There is little friendship in the world. Bacon. There can be no
    One who pleases or gratifies.
    Wood allowed to a tenant for repairing the house and for fuel. This latter is often called firebote. See Bote.
    Room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
    1. Having the temper and disposition of a friend; disposed to promote the good of another; kind; favorable. 2. Appropriate to, or implying, friendship; befitting friends; amicable. In friendly relations with his moderate opponents. Macaulay. 3.
    Pertaining or appropriate to a housewife; domestic; economical; prudent. A good sort of woman, ladylike and housewifely. Sir W. Scott.
    freón, freógan, to love; akin to D. vriend friend, OS. friund friend, friohan to love, OHG. friunt friend, G. freund, Icel. frændi kinsman, Sw. frände. Goth. frij friend, frij to love. sq. root83. See Free, 1. One who entertains for another
    A female servant employed to do housework, esp. to take care of the rooms. Housemaid's knee , a swelling over the knee, due to an enlargement of the bursa in the front of the kneepan; -- so called because frequently occurring in servant girls who
    Frequency. Hooker.
    Of or pertaining to the cremaster; as, the cremasteric artery.
    One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.
    Warehouse for storing goods.
    A storehouse for wares, or goods. Addison.
    1. A house established for the convenience of the post, where relays of horses can be obtained. 2. A house for distributing the malls; a post office.
    A house or shelter for fowls.
    A house where beasts are butchered for the market.
    One not a friend; an enemy. Carlyle.
    A brothel. Robert Greene.
    A hand containing three of a kind and a pair, as three kings and two tens. It ranks above a flush and below four of a kind.
    A person who presides at a public dinner or banquet, and announces the toasts.
    1. A house in which a watch or guard is placed. 2. A place where persons under temporary arrest by the police of a city are kept; a police station; a lockup.
    A tiring-room. Shak.
    A house in which tender plants are cultivated and sheltered from the weather.
    A heated room for drying green ware. (more info) 1. A house kept warm to shelter tender plants and shrubs from the cold air; a place in which the plants of warmer climates may be reared, and fruits ripened. 2. A bagnio, or bathing house. Shak.
    An almshouse for poor people who pray daily for their benefactors.


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