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Word Meanings - HOPPER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

See PL (more info) 1. One who, or that which, hops. 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel-shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden

Additional info about word: HOPPER

See PL (more info) 1. One who, or that which, hops. 2. A chute, box, or receptacle, usually funnel-shaped with an opening at the lower part, for delivering or feeding any material, as to a machine; as, the wooden box with its trough through which grain passes into a mill by joining or shaking, or a funnel through which fuel passes into a furnace, or coal, etc., into a car.

Related words: (words related to HOPPER)

    Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness. (more info) 1. The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like;
    The quality or state of being open.
    One who or operates a machine; a machinist.
    is from the strong verb, AS. scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, p. p. 1. To form or create; especially, to mold or make into a particular form; to give proper form or figure to. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li. 5. Grace shaped her limbs, and
    Capable of being, or about to be, delivered; necessary to be delivered. Hale.
    1. A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level, or through which water passes to a wheel. 2. See Shoot.
    A sea open to all nations. See Mare clausum.
    Cloudy; gloomy; lowering; as, a lowery sky; lowery weather.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    The state of being material.
    Clumsily; stupidly; blockishly. R. North.
    1. Made or consisting of wood; pertaining to, or resembling, wood; as, a wooden box; a wooden leg; a wooden wedding. 2. Clumsy; awkward; ungainly; stiff; spiritless. When a bold man is out of countenance, he makes a very wooden figure
  • OPEN
    1. Free of access; not shut up; not closed; affording unobstructed ingress or egress; not impeding or preventing passage; not locked up or covered over; -- applied to passageways; as, an open door, window, road, etc.; also, to inclosed structures
    Having the mouth open; gaping; hence, greedy; clamorous. L'Estrange.
    Quality of being wooden; clumsiness; stupidity; blockishness. We set our faces against the woodenness which then characterized German philology. Sweet.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    1. One who shapes; as, the shaper of one's fortunes. The secret of those old shapers died with them. Lowell. 2. That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object. Specifically; A kind of planer in which the tool,
    1. Well-formed; having a regular shape; comely; symmetrical. T. Warton. Waste sandy valleys, once perplexed with thorn, The spiry fir and shapely box adorn. Pope. Where the shapely column stood. Couper. 2. Fit; suitable. Shaply for to
    Compar. of Low, a.
    A kind of dynamo-electric machine; -- so named from its French inventor, M. Gramme. Knight.
    A willow. See Willow, n., 2.
    The anemone; -- so called because formerly supposed to open only when the wind was blowing. See Anemone.
    To happen ill or unluckily. Spenser.
    Dressed with garlands of flowers. Milton.
    An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable. 2. The edible head or "curd" of a caulifower plant. (more info) caulis, and by E. flower; F. chou cabbage is fr. L.
    A machine for cleansing wool of burs, seeds, and other substances.
    Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; -- applied chiefly to roots. (more info) 1. Having the shape of a spindle.
    1. To deliver or give back; to return. Ay 2. To deliver or liberate a second time or again. 3. To report; to deliver the answer of. "Shall I redeliver you e'en so" Shak.
    A genus of perennial herbs with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem. Note: There are nearly one hundred species, natives of the north
    Shaped like a diamond or rhombus.
    Shaped like a strap; ligulate; as, a strap-shaped corolla.
    A lantern wheel; a trundle. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, wallows.
    1. Full of flowers; abounding with blossoms. 2. Highly embellished with figurative language; florid; as, a flowery style. Milton. The flowery kingdom, China.


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