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Word Meanings - INDIGOMETER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An instrument for ascertaining the strength of an indigo solution, as in volumetric analysis. Ure.

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    Pertaining to, or derived from, indigo; as, indigotic acid, which is also called anilic or nitrosalicylic acid.
    The act of ascertaining; a reducing to certainty; a finding out by investigation; discovery. The positive ascertainment of its limits. Burke.
    That may be ascertained. -- As`cer*tain"a*ble*ness, n. -- As`cer*tain"a*bly, adv.
    Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music. "He defended the use of instrumental music in public worship." Macaulay. Sweet voices mix'd with instrumental
    Abounding in strength; full of strength; strong. -- Strength"ful*ness, n. Florence my friend, in court my faction Not meanly strengthful. Marston.
    Of or pertaining to the measurement of volume. Volumetric analysis , that system of the quantitative analysis of solutions which employs definite volumes of standardized solutions of reagents, as measured by burettes, pipettes, etc.; also, the
    That strengthens; giving or increasing strength. -- Strength"en*ing*ly, adv. Strengthening plaster , a plaster containing iron, and supposed to have tonic effects.
    The quality or condition of being instrumental; that which is instrumental; anything used as a means; medium; agency. The instrumentality of faith in justification. Bp. Burnet. The discovery of gunpowder developed the science of attack and defense
    See INDIGO
    1. The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments; means; agency. Otherwise we have no sufficient instrumentation for our human use or handling of so great a fact. H. Bushnell. The arrangement of a musical
    The act or process by which a body (whether solid, liquid, or gaseous) is absorbed into a liquid, and, remaining or becoming fluid, is diffused throughout the solvent; also, the product reulting from such absorption. Note: When a solvent will not
    A genus of leguminous plants having many species, mostly in tropical countries, several of them yielding indigo, esp. Indigofera tinctoria, and I. Anil.
    One who, or that which, gives or adds strength. Sir W. Temple.
    1. The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force; vigor; power; as, strength of body or of the arm; strength of mind, of memory, or of judgment.
    A blue dyestuff obtained from several plants belonging to very different genera and orders; as, the woad, Isatis tinctoria, Indigofera tinctoria, I. Anil, Nereum tinctorium, etc. It is a dark blue earthy substance, tasteless and odorless, with a
    1. By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end. South. They will argue that the end being essentially beneficial, the means become instrumentally so. Burke. 2. With instruments of music; as, a song instrumentally accompanied. Mason.
    A writing, as the means of giving formal expression to some act; a writing expressive of some act, contract, process, as a deed, contract, writ, etc. Burrill. 4. One who, or that which, is made a means, or is caused to serve a purpose; a medium,
    The view that the sanction of truth is its utility, or that truth is genuine only in so far as it is a valuable instrument. -- In`stru*men"tal*ist, n. Instrumentalism views truth as simply the value belonging to certain ideas in so far as these
    The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either what elements it contains, or how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter
    See INDIGO
    An aqueous solution of Monsel's salt, having valuable styptic properties.
    Failure of solution or explanation.
    One who makes a resolution; one who joins with others in a declaration or resolution; specifically, one of a party in the Scottish Church in the 17th century. He was sequestrated afterwards as a Resolutioner. Sir W. Scott.
    Analysis of the structure of materials from careful observation of photomicrographs.
    An aqueous solution of hypochlorite of sodium, extensively used as a disinfectant.
    1. The act of dissolving, sundering, or separating into component parts; separation. Dissolutions of ancient amities. Shak. 2. Change from a solid to a fluid state; solution by heat or moisture; liquefaction; melting. 3. Change of form by chemical
    A method or process of psychotherapeutic analysis based on the work of Dr. Sigmund Freud of Vienna. The method rests upon the theory that hysteria is characteristically due to repression of desires consciously rejected but subconsciously
    = Psychanalysis, Psychanalytic.


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