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Word Meanings - INDWELL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To dwell in; to abide within; to remain in possession. The Holy Ghost became a dove, not as a symbol, but as a constantly indwelt form. Milman.

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    Characterized by the use of symbols; as, symbolistic poetry.
    Without life or spirit.
    The science of creeds; symbolics. (more info) 1. The act of symbolizing, or the state of being symbolized; as, symbolism in Christian art is the representation of truth, virtues, vices, etc., by emblematic colors, signs, and forms. 2. A system
    1. One who abides, or continues. "Speedy goers and strong abiders." Sidney. 2. One who dwells; a resident. Speed.
    Ghost lore. It seemed even more unaccountable than if it had been a thing of ghostology and witchcraft. Hawthorne.
    1. A possessor; a property holder. "Possessioners of riches." E. Hall. Having been of old freemen and possessioners. Sir P. Sidney. 2. An invidious name for a member of any religious community endowed with property in lands, buildings, etc.,
    re- + manere to stay, remain. See Mansion, and cf. Remainder, 1. To stay behind while others withdraw; to be left after others have been removed or destroyed; to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off; to be left as not
    The act of symbolizing; symbolical representation. Sir T. Browne.
    1. To have a resemblance of qualities or properties; to correspond; to harmonize. The pleasing of color symbolizeth with the pleasing of any single tone to the ear; but the pleasing of order doth symbolize with harmony. Bacon. They both symbolize
    with, against, toward + innan in, inwardly, within, from in in. See 1. In the inner or interior part of; inside of; not without; as, within doors. O, unhappy youth! Come not within these doors; within this roof The enemy of all your graces lives.
    Pertaining to a symbology; versed in, or characterized by, symbology.
    Of or pertaining to possession; arising from possession.
    The quality of being ghostly.
    AS. dwellan to deceive, hinder, delay, dwelian to err; akin to Icel. dvelja to delay, tarry, Sw. dväljas to dwell, Dan. dvæle to linger, 1. To delay; to linger. 2. To abide; to remain; to continue. I 'll rather dwell in my necessity. Shak. Thy
    1. To wait; to pause; to delay. Chaucer. 2. To stay; to continue in a place; to have one's abode; to dwell; to sojourn; -- with with before a person, and commonly with at or in before a place. Let the damsel abide with us a few days. Gen. xxiv.
    The study of ancient symbols; esp. ,
    In the inner parts; inside. Graves.
    Of or pertaining to a symbol or symbols; of the nature of a symbol; exhibiting or expressing by resemblance or signs; representative; as, the figure of an eye is symbolic of sight and knowledge. -- Sym*bol"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Sym*bol"ic*al*ness, n.
    Any character used to represent a quantity, an operation, a relation, or an abbreviation. Note: In crystallography, the symbol of a plane is the numerical expression which defines its position relatively to the assumed axes. (more info)
    Residence within, as in the heart. The personal indwelling of the Spirit in believers. South.
    To dwell or stay beyond. "He outdwells his hour." Shak.
    The putting out of possession, wrongfully or otherwise, of one who is in possession of a freehold, no matter in what title; -- called also ouster. (more info) 1. The act of putting out of possession; the state of being dispossessed. Bp. Hall.
    The possession of one's powers; calmness; self-command; presence of mind; composure.
    An inhabitant. Spenser.


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