Word Meanings - LAWSUIT - Book Publishers vocabulary database
An action at law; a suit in equity or admiralty; any legal proceeding before a court for the enforcement of a claim.
Related words: (words related to LAWSUIT)
1. The state or quality of being letter of the law. - PROCEEDER
One who proceeds. - PROCEED
To begin and carry on a legal process. Syn. -- To advance; go on; continue; progress; issue; arise; emanate. (more info) 1. To move, pass, or go forward or onward; to advance; to continue or renew motion begun; as, to proceed on a journey. If thou - EQUITY
An equitable claim; an equity of redemption; as, an equity to a settlement, or wife's equity, etc. I consider the wife's equity to be too well settled to be shaken. Kent. (more info) 1. Equality of rights; natural justice or right; the giving, - ACTION
Effective motion; also, mechanism; as, the breech action of a gun. (more info) 1. A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest; the doing of something; exertion of power or force, as when one body acts on another; the effect of - COURTESAN
A woman who prostitutes herself for hire; a prostitute; a harlot. Lasciviously decked like a courtesan. Sir H. Wotton. (more info) courtier, It. cortigiano; or directly fr. It. cortigiana, or Sp. - PROCEEDING
The course of procedure in the prosecution of an action at law. Blackstone. Proceedings of a society, the published record of its action, or of things done at its meetings. Syn. -- Procedure; measure; step, See Transaction. (more info) 1. The act - COURT TENNIS
A movable sideboard or buffet, on which plate and other articles of luxury were displayed on special ocasions. A way with the joint stools, remove the court-cupboard, look to the plate. Shak. - BEFORETIME
Formerly; aforetime. dwelt in their tents, as beforetime. 2 Kings xiii. 5. - COURTEPY
A short coat of coarse cloth. Full threadbare was his overeste courtepy. Chaucer. - ACTIONABLE
That may be the subject of an action or suit at law; as, to call a man a thief is actionable. - COURTBRED
Bred, or educated, at court; polished; courtly. - LEGALIZE
To interpret or apply in a legal spirit. (more info) 1. To make legal. - COURTESANSHIP
A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of one belonging to the army or navy, or of offenses against military or naval law. - CLAIMABLE
Capable of being claimed. - COURTLIKE
After the manner of a court; elegant; polite; courtly. - COURTEOUSNESS
The quality of being courteous; politeness; courtesy. - LEGALLY
In a legal manner. - RECLAIMABLE
That may be reclaimed. - REACTIONIST
A reactionary. C. Kingsley. - RECLAIMER
One who reclaims. - ACCLAIM
1. To applaud. "A glad acclaiming train." Thomson. 2. To declare by acclamations. While the shouting crowd Acclaims thee king of traitors. Smollett. 3. To shout; as, to acclaim my joy. - MADEFACTION; MADEFICATION
The act of madefying, or making wet; the state of that which is made wet. Bacon. - REDACTION
The act of redacting; work produced by redacting; a digest. - CHYLIFACTION
The act or process by which chyle is formed from food in animal bodies; chylification, -- a digestive process. - THEREBEFORE; THEREBIFORN
Before that time; beforehand. Many a winter therebiforn. Chaucer. - FACTION
One of the divisions or parties of charioteers (distinguished by their colors) in the games of the circus. 2. A party, in political society, combined or acting in union, in opposition to the government, or state; -- usually applied to a minority, - DISTRACTION
1. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. To create distractions among us. Bp. Burnet. 2. That which diverts attention; a diversion. "Domestic distractions." G. Eliot. 3. A diversity of direction; detachment. His power went out in - REFACTION
Recompense; atonemet; retribution. Howell. - COLLIQUEFACTION
A melting together; the reduction of different bodies into one mass by fusion. The incorporation of metals by simple colliquefaction. Bacon. - DIRECT ACTION
Subordinate action; a minor action incidental or subsidiary to the main story; an episode. The least episodes or underactions . . . are parts necessary or convenient to carry on the main design. Dryden. - ABSTRACTION
The act process of leaving out of consideration one or more properties of a complex object so as to attend to others; analysis. Thus, when the mind considers the form of a tree by itself, or the color of the leaves as separate from their size or