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Word Meanings - METEMPIRICISM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The science that is concerned with metempirics.

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    In a concerned manner; solicitously; sympathetically.
    The concepts and relations which are conceived as beyond, and yet as related to, the knowledge gained by experience.
    Pertaining to; regarding; having relation to; respecting; as regards. I have accepted thee concerning this thing. Gen. xix. 21. The Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel. Num. x. 29.
    Disturbed; troubled; solicitous; as, to be much concerned for the safety of a friend.
    fr. L. concernere to mix or mingle together, as in a sieve for separating; con- + cernere to separate, sift, distinguish by the 1. To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
    1. Knowledge; lnowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts. If we conceive God's or science, before the creation, to be extended to all and every part of the world, seeing everything as it is, . . . his science or sight from all
    The state of being unconcerned, or of having no share or concern; unconcernedness. South.
    Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight. God's certain prescience of the volitions of moral agents. J. Edwards.
    The quality or state of being omniscient; -- an attribute peculiar to God. Dryden.
    Want of science or knowledge; ignorance. If that any wight ween a thing to be otherwise than it is, it is not only unscience, but it is deceivable opinion. Chaucer.
    Unimportant; trifling. "Trifling and inconcerning matters." Fuller.
    consciens, of conscire to know, to be conscious; con- + scire 1. Knowledge of one's own thoughts or actions; consciousness. The sweetest cordial we receive, at last, Is conscience of our virtuous actions past. Denham. 2. The faculty, power,
    Having a conscience. "Soft-conscienced men." Shak.
    Want of knowledge; ignorance; agnosticism. God fetched it about for me, in that absence and nescience of mine. Bp. Hall.
    Want of concern; absence of anxiety; freedom from solicitude; indifference. A listless unconcern, Cold, and averting from our neighbor's good. Thomson.
    Not concerned; not anxious or solicitous; easy in mind; carelessly secure; indifferent; as, to be unconcerned at what has happened; to be unconcerned about the future. -- Un`con*cern"ed*ly, adv. -- Un`con*cern"ed*ness, n. Happy mortals, unconcerned
    A system of healing disease of mind and body which teaches that all cause and effect is mental, and that sin, sickness, and death will be destroyed by a full understanding of the Divine Principle of Jesus' teaching and healing. The system
    Want of knowledge; ignorance.
    Without conscience; indifferent to conscience; unscrupulous. Conscienceless and wicked patrons. Hookre.
    Concern for one's self.
    Not interesting of affecting; insignificant; not belonging to one. Addison.


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