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Word Meanings - MINUTEMAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A militiaman who was to be ready to march at a moment's notice; -- a term used in the American Revolution.

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    One who marches.
    The process of Americanizing.
    Every moment; from moment to moment. Shenstone.
    1. The act of noting, remarking, or observing; observation by the senses or intellect; cognizance; note. How ready is envy to mingle with the notices we take of other persons ! I. Watts. 2. Intelligence, by whatever means communicated; knowledge
    1. Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians. 2. Of or pertaining to the United States. "A young officer of the American navy." Lyell. American ivy. See Virginia creeper. -- American Party , a party, about 1854,
    1. Attachment to the United States. 2. A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea. 3. A word or phrase peculiar to the United States.
    Of moment or consequence; very important; weighty; as, a momentous decision; momentous affairs. -- Mo*men"tous*ly, adv. -- Mo*men"tous*ness, n.
    Made already, or beforehand, in anticipation of need; not made to order; as, ready-made clothing; ready-made jokes.
    The third month of the year, containing thirty-one days. The stormy March is come at last, With wind, and cloud, and changing skies. Bryant. As mad as a March Hare, an old English Saying derived from the fact that March is the rutting time of hares,
    In hotels, aplan upon which guests pay for both room and board by the day, week, or other convenient period; -- contrasted with European plan.
    ,fr. March, v. Marching money , the additional pay of officer or soldier when his regiment is marching. -- In marching order , equipped for a march. -- Marching regiment. A regiment in active service. In England, a regiment liable
    To change completely, as by a revolution; as, to revolutionize a government. Ames. The gospel . . . has revolutionized his soul. J. M. Mason.
    The motion of any body, as a planet or satellite, in a curved line or orbit, until it returns to the same point again, or to a point relatively the same; -- designated as the annual, anomalistic, nodical, sidereal, or tropical revolution, according
    One engaged in effecting a change of government; a favorer of revolution. Burke.
    The wife or the widow of a marquis; a woman who has the rank and dignity of a marquis. Spelman.
    Extremely rash; foolhardy. See under March, the month. Sir W. Scott.
    1. For a moment. 2. In a moment; every moment; momentarily.
    To render American; to assimilate to the Americans in customs, ideas, etc.; to stamp with American characteristics.
    Capable of being observed; worthy of notice; likely to attract observation; conspicous. A noticeable man, with large gray eyes. Wordsworth.
    Of or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution; as, revolutionary war; revolutionary measures; revolutionary agitators.
    The chief magistrate of a nome or nomarchy.
    In Athens, originally, the military commanderin-chief; but, afterward, a civil magistrate who had jurisdiction in respect of strangers and sojourners. In other Grecian cities, a high military and civil officer.
    Too ready. -- O"ver*read"*i*ly, adv. -- O"ver*read"i*ness, n.
    Not momentous; unimportant; insignificant. A. Seward.
    To march too far, or too much; to exhaust by marching. Baker.
    To march away.
    To surpass in marching; to march faster than, or so as to leave behind.
    marked by opposition or antipathy to revolution; as, ostracized for his counterrevolutionary tendencies. Opposite of revolutionary.
    Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future; by this time; previously. "Joseph was in Egypt already." Exod. i. 5. I say unto you, that Elias is come already. Matt. xvii. 12. Note: It has reference to past time, but may be used


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