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Word Meanings - MOCKING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Imitating, esp. in derision, or so as to cause derision; mimicking; derisive. Mocking bird , a North American singing bird , remarkable for its exact imitations of the notes of other birds. Its back is gray; the tail and wings are blackish, with

Additional info about word: MOCKING

Imitating, esp. in derision, or so as to cause derision; mimicking; derisive. Mocking bird , a North American singing bird , remarkable for its exact imitations of the notes of other birds. Its back is gray; the tail and wings are blackish, with a white patch on each wing; the outer tail feathers are partly white. The name is also applied to other species of the same genus, found in Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. -- Mocking thrush , any species of the genus Harporhynchus, as the brown thrush . -- Mocking wren , any American wren of the genus Thryothorus, esp. T. Ludovicianus.

Related words: (words related to MOCKING)

    Having a cause.
    Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only; as, a single-breasted coast.
    One who exacts or demands by authority or right; hence, an extortioner; also, one unreasonably severe in injunctions or demands. Jer. Taylor.
    Oppressive or unreasonably severe in making demands or requiring the exact fulfillment of obligations; harsh; severe. "A temper so exacting." T. Arnold -- Ex*act"ing*ly, adv. -- Ex*act"ing*ness, n.
    Farthest north.
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    1. Individually; particularly; severally; as, to make men singly and personally good. 2. Only; by one's self; alone. Look thee, 't is so! Thou singly honest man. Shak. 3. Without partners, companions, or associates; single-handed; as, to attack
    The process of Americanizing.
    Having a raised way ; paved. Sir W. Scott. C. Bronté.
    1. Of or pertaining to the north; being in the north, or nearer to that point than to the east or west. 2. In a direction toward the north; as, to steer a northern course; coming from the north; as, a northern wind. Northern diver. See Loon. --
    One of the inhabitants of the north of Europe; esp., one of the ancient Scandinavians; a Norseman.
    The kob.
    In an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard, or fact; accurately; strictly; correctly; nicely. "Exactly wrought." Shak. His enemies were pleased, for he had acted exactly as their interests required. Bancroft.
    Lying farthest north; northernmost. Northmost part of the coast of Mozambique. De Foe.
    Existing by itself; single; individual. The idea which represents one . . . determinate thing, is called a singular idea, whether simple, complex, or compound. I. Watts. (more info) 1. Separate or apart from others; single; distinct. Bacon. And
    Of or pertaining to the northeast; proceeding toward the northeast, or coming from that point; as, a northeast course; a northeast wind. Northeast passage, a passage or communication by sea between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans along the north
    1. To select, as an individual person or thing, from among a number; to choose out from others; to separate. Dogs who hereby can single out their master in the dark. Bacon. His blood! she faintly screamed her mind Still singling one from
    1. The act of demanding with authority, and compelling to pay or yield; compulsion to give or furnish; a levying by force; a driving to compliance; as, the exaction to tribute or of obedience; hence, extortion. Take away your exactions from my
    Having simplicity of action; especially , acting or exerting force during strokes in one direction only; -- said of a reciprocating engine, pump, etc.
    A songstress. Wyclif.
    A single narrative framed from the statements of the four evangelists; a gospel harmony.
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    In a manner not exact or precise; inaccurately. R. A. Proctor.
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    Not exact; not precisely correct or true; inaccurate.
    A love-singer; specifically, one of a class of German poets and musicians who flourished from about the middle of the twelfth to the middle of the fourteenth century. They were chiefly of noble birth, and made love and beauty the subjects of their
    In a manner to incur loss.
    Becoming less and less; diminishing. -- De*creas"ing*ly, adv. Decreasing series , a series in which each term is numerically smaller than the preceding term.
    The momentary current between two alternating-current generators when juxtaposed in parallel and not agreeing exactly in phase or period.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    The art of ornamenting metal by means of chasing tools; also, a piece of ornamental work produced in this way.


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