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Word Meanings - PARAPHRASE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A restatement of a text, passage, or work, expressing the meaning of the original in another form, generally for the sake of its clearer and fuller exposition; a setting forth the signification of a text in other and ampler terms; a free translation

Additional info about word: PARAPHRASE

A restatement of a text, passage, or work, expressing the meaning of the original in another form, generally for the sake of its clearer and fuller exposition; a setting forth the signification of a text in other and ampler terms; a free translation or rendering; -- opposed to metaphrase. In paraphrase, or translation with latitude, the author's words are not so strictly followed as his sense. Dryden. Excellent paraphrases of the Psalms of David. I. Disraeli. His sermons a living paraphrase upon his practice. Sowth. The Targums are also called the Chaldaic or Aramaic Paraphrases. Shipley.

Related words: (words related to PARAPHRASE)

    Bold; forward; aggressive.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    A tool of which the hemp for lines and twines, used by sailmakers, is finished. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, clears. Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understanding. Addison.
    Ready or about to appear; making appearance.
    Therefore. Spenser.
    A disposition of property for the benefit of some person or persons, usually through the medium of trustees, and for the benefit of a wife, children, or other relatives; jointure granted to a wife, or the act of granting it. 2. That which settles,
  • SETT
    See 3
    1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or displaying to public view. 2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
    One whose occupation is to full cloth. Fuller's earth, a variety of clay, used in scouring and cleansing cloth, to imbibe grease. -- Fuller's herb , the soapwort , formerly used to remove stains from cloth. -- Fuller's thistle or weed
    Forward. Bp. Fisher.
    A hunting dog of a special breed originally derived from a cross between the spaniel and the pointer. Modern setters are usually trained to indicate the position of game birds by standing in a fixed position, but originally they indicated it by
    Straightforwardness; explicitness; directness. Dante's concise forthrightness of phrase. Hawthorne.
    Either; -- used with other or or for its correlative (as either . . . or are now used). Other of chalk, other of glass. Chaucer.
    The act of expressing; expression; utterance; representation. An operation more divine Than breath or pen can give expressure to. Shak.
    A way for passage; a hall. See Passage, 5.
    The quality or state of being other or different; alterity; oppositeness.
    Formerly, a railroad train run expressly for the occasion; a special train; now, a train run at express or special speed and making few stops.
    1. Serving to express, utter, or represent; indicative; communicative; -- followed by of; as, words expressive of his gratitude. Each verse so swells expressive of her woes. Tickell. 2. Full of expression; vividly representing the meaning
    To repent; to regret; to be sorry for; to cause regret. "Let it forthink you." Tyndale. That me forthinketh, quod this January. Chaucer.
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    To behave ill; -- with a reflexive pronoun; as, to misdemean one's self.
    Behavior. Spenser.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    Coming back; returning. "Like the remeant sun." C. Kingsley.
    Conceited; assuming; as, an upsetting fellow. Jamieson.
    The act or art of setting type.
    From, or forth from, what or which place; whence. Spenser.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    An east Indian wood of a reddish orange color, handsomely veined with darker marks. It is occasionally used for cabinetwork. Ure.
    Relating to equality of temperature. Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature, as exhibited by means of isotherms; as, an isothermal line; an isothermal chart. Isothermal line. An isotherm. A line drawn on a diagram
    1. The descent of the sun below the horizon; also, the time when the sun sets; evening. Also used figuratively. 'T is the sunset of life gives me mystical lore. Campbell. 2. Hence, the region where the sun sets; the west. Sunset shell , a West
    The eelpout.


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