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Word Meanings - PROSPECTUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A summary, plan, or scheme of something proposed, affording a prospect of its nature; especially, an exposition of the scheme of an unpublished literary work.

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    1. One who proposes or offers anything for consideration or adoption. 2. A speaker; an orator. Shak.
    1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or displaying to public view. 2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
    , adv. In some degree; somewhat; to some exrent; at some distance. Shak. I something fear my father's wrath. Shak. We have something fairer play than a reasoner could have expected formerly. Burke. My sense of touch is something coarse. Tennyson.
    1. To set forth. That being proposed brimfull of wine, one scarce could lift it up. Chapman. 2. To offer for consideration, discussion, acceptance, or adoption; as, to propose terms of peace; to propose a question for discussion; to propose an
    Quality of being prospective.
    In a prospective manner.
    Having a nature, temper, or disposition; disposed; -- used in composition; as, good-natured, ill-natured, etc.
    Anything given as a help; bestowal.
    In an especial manner; chiefly; particularly; peculiarly; in an uncommon degree.
    Not in accordance with nature; unnatural. Milton.
    A complete sentence, or part of a sentence consisting of a subject and predicate united by a copula; a thought expressed or propounded in language; a from of speech in which a predicate is affirmed or denied of a subject; as, snow is white. (more
    The offer by a party of what he has in view as to an intended business transaction, which, with acceptance, constitutes a contract. Syn. -- Proffer; tender; overture. See Proposition. (more info) 1. That which is proposed, or propounded
    Pertaining to, or in the nature of, a proposition; considered as a proposition; as, a propositional sense. I. Watts.
    look forward; pro before, forward + specere, spicere, look, to see: 1. That which is embraced by eye in vision; the region which the eye overlooks at one time; view; scene; outlook. His eye discovers unaware The goodly prospect of some foreign
    Having no prospect.
    A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies for any moment o at a given event. A blue case, from which was drawn a scheme of nativity. Sir W. Scott. Syn. -- Plan; project; contrivance; purpose; device; plot. -- Scheme, Plan. Scheme and
    1. The existing system of things; the world of matter, or of matter and mind; the creation; the universe. But looks through nature up to nature's God. Pope. Nature has caprices which art can not imitate. Macaulay. 2. The personified sum and order
    That may be afforded.
    1. Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned men; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation. He has long outlived his century, the term commonly fixed as the test of literary merit. Johnson.
    The act of looking forward, or of providing for future wants; foresight.
    To change the nature of; to invest with a different or contrary nature. A right heavenly nature, indeed, as if were unnaturing them, doth so bridle them . Sir P. Sidney.
    Having half the nature of another. Shak.
    A sign at the beginning of a composition or movement, placed after the key signature, to indicate its time or meter. Also called rhythmical signature. It is in the form of a fraction, of which the denominator indicates the kind of note taken as
    Decoration; ornamentation. Holinshed.
    Wrong exposition.
    Joint signature. Colgrave.
    To transfer or transform the nature of. We are transelemented, or transnatured. Jewel.
    To deprive of its natural qualities; change the nature of.
    An outward mark by which internal characteristics were supposed to be indicated. Some plants bear a very evident signature of their nature and use. Dr. H. More. (more info) 1. A sign, stamp, or mark impressed, as by a seal. The brain, being well
    Deprived or destitute of natural feelings; unnatural. Shak.
    Unseasonable or unseasonably; unsuitable or unsuitably.


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