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Word Meanings - RATIOCINATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To reason, esp. deductively; to offer reason or argument.

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    One who offers; esp., one who offers something to God in worship. Hooker.
    1. The act or process of adducing a reason or reasons; manner of presenting one's reasons. 2. That which is offered in argument; proofs or reasons when arranged and developed; course of argument. His reasoning was sufficiently profound. Macaulay.
    By deduction; by way of inference; by consequence. Sir T. Browne.
    1. Destitute of reason; as, a reasonless man or mind. Shak. 2. Void of reason; not warranted or supported by reason; unreasonable. This proffer is absurd and reasonless. Shak.
    1. In a reasonable manner. 2. Moderately; tolerably. "Reasonably perfect in the language." Holder.
    Offer; proposal; overture. More offertures and advantages to his crown. Milton.
    1. The act of offering, or the thing offered. Bacon. Bp. Fell. An anthem chanted, or a voluntary played on the organ, during the offering and first part of the Mass. That part of the Mass which the priest reads before uncovering the chalice to
    A rationalist. Such persons are now commonly called "reasonists" and "rationalists," to distinguish them from true reasoners and rational inquirers. Waterland.
    To argue or discuss. Wood.
    1. Consisting of, or characterized by, argument; containing a process of reasoning; as, an argumentative discourse. 2. Adductive as proof; indicative; as, the adaptation of things to their uses is argumentative of infinite wisdom in the Creator.
    Of, pertaining to, or containing, argument; argumentative.
    1. Having the faculty of reason; endued with reason; rational; as, a reasonable being. 2. Governed by reason; being under influence of reason; thinking, speaking or acting rationally, or according to the dictates of reason; agreeable to reason;
    Quality of being reasonable.
    ferre to bear, bring. The English word was influenced by F. offrir to 1. To present, as an act of worship; to immolate; to sacrifice; to present in prayer or devotion; -- often with up. Thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for
    Admitting of argument. Chalmers.
    Ratio; proportion. Barrow. By reason of, by means of; on account of; because of. "Spain is thin sown of people, partly by reason of the sterility of the soil." Bacon. In reason, In all reason, in justice; with rational ground; in a right view.
    The quantity on which another quantity in a table depends; as, the altitude is the argument of the refraction. (more info) 1. Proof; evidence. There is.. no more palpable and convincing argument of the existence of a Deity. Ray. Why, then, is it
    1. The act of an offerer; a proffering. 2. That which is offered, esp. in divine service; that which is presented as an expiation or atonement for sin, or as a free gift; a sacrifice; an oblation; as, sin offering. They are polluted offerings more
    One who reasons or argues; as, a fair reasoner; a close reasoner; a logical reasoner.
    1. The act of forming reasons, making inductions, drawing conclusions, and applying them to the case in discussion; the operation of inferring propositions, not known or admitted as true, from facts or principles known, admitted, or proved to be
    An arguing over again, as of a motion made in court.
    Not reasonable; irrational; immoderate; exorbitant. -- Un*rea"son*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*rea"son*a*bly, adv.
    forth or forward, to offer; pro forward + ferre to bring. See Bear to 1. To offer for acceptance; to propose to give; to make a tender of; as, to proffer a gift; to proffer services; to proffer friendship. Shak. I reck not what wrong that thou
    Pertaining to treason; consisting of treason; involving the crime of treason, or partaking of its guilt. Most men's heads had been intoxicated with imaginations of plots and treasonable practices. Clarendon. Syn. -- Treacherous; traitorous;
    The act of scoffing; scoffing conduct; mockery. Holinshed.
    To excel or surpass in reasoning; to reason better than. South.
    Rubblework faced with stone. Knight.
    An offering or oblation heaved up or elevated before the altar, as the shoulder of the peace offering. See Wave offering. Ex. xxix.


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