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Word Meanings - SECRETITIOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Parted by animal secretion; as, secretitious humors. Floyer.

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    Of or pertaining to ancient Parthia, in Asia. -- n.
    1. The act of animalizing; the giving of animal life, or endowing with animal properties. 2. Conversion into animal matter by the process of assimilation. Owen.
    The theory which seeks to explain certain physiological and pathological by means of animalcules.
    To form into, or put in the form of, a participle.
    1. A part or portion. "The most party of the time." Chaucer. 2. A number of persons united in opinion or action, as distinguished from, or opposed to, the rest of a community or association; esp., one of the parts into which a people is divided
    Sharing; participating; having a share of part. Bacon.
    Animal existence or nature. Locke.
    In part; in some measure of degree; not wholly. "I partly believe it." 1 Cor. xi. 18.
    Physically. G. Eliot.
    An associate in any business or occupation; a member of a partnership. See Partnership. 3. pl. (more info) 1. One who has a part in anything with an other; a partaker; an associate; a sharer. "Partner of his fortune." Shak. Hence: A husband or
    Divided nearly to the base; as, a partite leaf is a simple separated down nearly to the base.
    Partiality; specifically , the doctrine of the Partialists.
    A medicine tending to cause parturition, or to give relief in childbearing. Dunglison.
    1. One versed in the knowledge of animalcules. Keith. 2. A believer in the theory of animalculism.
    A part of speech partaking of the nature both verb and adjective; a form of a verb, or verbal adjective, modifying a noun, but taking the adjuncts of the verb from which it is derived. In the sentences: a letter is written; being asleep he did not
    1. An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process
    1. A covering for the neck, and sometimes for the shoulders and breast; originally worn by both sexes, but laterby women alone; a ruff. Fuller. 2. A hen; -- so called from the ruffing of her neck feathers. "Dame Partlett, the hen." Shak.
    1. The act or state of participating, or sharing in common with others; as, a participation in joy or sorrows. These deities are so by participation. Bp. Stillingfleet. What an honor, that God should admit us into such a blessed participation of
    1. The quality or state of being partial; inclination to favor one party, or one side of a question, more than the other; undue bias of mind. 2. A predilection or inclination to one thing rather than to others; special taste or liking;
    A broad embankment of earth round a place, upon which the parapet is raised. It forms the substratum of every permanent fortification. Mahan. Syn. -- Bulwark; fence; security; guard. -- Rampart, Bulwark. These words were formerly interchanged; but
    Divisible into three parts.
    Imparting by one's own, or by its own, powers and will. Norris.
    A division; a divided share. To make pourparty, to divide and apportion lands previously held in common.
    One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a duplicate. 3. A person who closely resembles another. 4. A thing may be applied to another thing so as to fit perfectly, as a seal to its impression; hence, a thing which is adapted to another
    The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another. Bouvier. (more info) 1. Division; separation; putting away. No other remedy . . . but absolute departure. Milton.
    A partition or distribution, especially of slaves; also, an assessment of taxes. W. Irving.
    1. Act of departing; departure. Sudden departments from one extreme to another. Wotton. 2. A part, portion, or subdivision. 3. A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like; appointed sphere or walk; province. Superior to Pope in Pope's
    A species of Spanish grass , of which cordage, shoes, baskets, etc., are made. It is also used for making paper.


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