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Word Meanings - SHEDDING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act of shedding, separating, or casting off or out; as, the shedding of blood. 2. That which is shed, or cast off. Wordsworth.

Related words: (words related to SHEDDING)

    Any animal that sucks blood; esp., the leech (Hirudo medicinalis), and related species. 2. One who sheds blood; a cruel, bloodthirsty man; one guilty of bloodshed; a murderer. Shak. 3. A hard and exacting master, landlord, or money lender; an
    The character or act of a separatist; disposition to withdraw from a church; the practice of so withdrawing.
    One who sheds blood; a manslayer; a murderer.
    1. A fortified residence, especially that of a prince or nobleman; a fortress. The house of every one is to him castle and fortress, as well for his defense againts injury and violence, as for his repose. Coke. Our castle's strength Will laugh
    The European bullfinch.
    Made of cast iron. Hence, Fig.: like cast iron; hardy; unyielding.
    A plant , with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring; -- called also puccoon, redroot, bloodwort, tetterwort, turmeric, and Indian paint. It has acrid emetic properties, and the rootstock is used as a stimulant
    That which is cast or brought forth prematurely; an abortion. Sir T. Browne.
    Causing, or being to cause, separation. "Separative virtue of extreme cold." Boyle.
    The bean or seed of the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis, or Palma Christi.)
    A genus of rodents, including the beaver. See Beaver. 2. Castoreum. See Castoreum. 3. A hat, esp. one made of beaver fur; a beaver. I have always been known for the jaunty manner in which I wear my castor. Sir W. Scott. 4. A heavy quality
    1. The act of one who casts or throws, as in fishing. 2. The act or process of making cast or impressions, or of shaping metal or plaster in a mold; the act or the process of pouring molten metal into a mold. 3. That which is cast in a mold; esp.
    Having a cruel, ferocious disposition; bloodthirsty. Dryden.
    Bloodshed. Shak.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    1. One who casts; as, caster of stones, etc. ; a caster of cannon; a caster of accounts. 2. A vial, cruet, or other small vessel, used to contain condiments at the table; as, a set of casters. 3. A stand to hold a set of cruets. 4. A small wheel
    Of or pertaining to separatism in religion; schismatical. Dr. T. Dwight.
    1. The state of being bloody. 2. Disposition to shed blood; bloodthirstiness. All that bloodiness and savage cruelty which was in our nature. Holland.
    1. One who, or that which, is cast away or shipwrecked. 2. One who is ruined; one who has made moral shipwreck; a reprobate. Lest . . . when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 1 Cor. ix. 27.
    An abbreviation of God's blood; -- used as an oath. Shak.
    A throw of dice after the game in ended; hence, anything done too late. Gower.
    Not separate; together; united. Shak.
    To cast under or beneath.
    A little elevation of earth made by a mole; a molehill. Mortimer.
    A contemptible or vicious critic. The rancorous and reptile crew of poeticules, who decompose into criticasters. Swinburne.
    Having twelve columns in front. -- n.


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