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Word Meanings - SLIPPER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment; -- also called shoe, and gib. Slipper animalcule , a ciliated infusorian of the genus Paramecium. -- Slipper flower. Slipperwort. -- Slipper

Additional info about word: SLIPPER

A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment; -- also called shoe, and gib. Slipper animalcule , a ciliated infusorian of the genus Paramecium. -- Slipper flower. Slipperwort. -- Slipper limpet, or Slipper shell , a boat shell. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, slips. 2. A kind of light shoe, which may be slipped on with ease, and worn in undress; a slipshoe. 3. A kind of apron or pinafore for children. 4. A kind of brake or shoe for a wagon wheel.

Related words: (words related to SLIPPER)

    The great band commissural fibers which unites the two cerebral hemispheres. See corpus callosum, under Carpus.
    An acknowledgement of indebtedness made by a receiver under order of court to obtain funds for the preservation of the assets held by him, as for operating a railroad. Receivers' certificates are ordinarily a first lien on the assets, prior to that
    1. Destitute of feathers; naked; unfledged. An in the leafy summit, spied a nest, Which, o'er the callow young, a sparrow pressed. Dryden. 2. Immature; boyish; "green"; as, a callow youth. I perceive by this, thou art but a callow maid. Old Play .
    Capable of being applied; fit or suitable to be applied; having relevance; as, this observation is applicable to the case under consideration. -- Ap"pli*ca*ble*ness, n. -- Ap"pli*ca*bly, adv.
    Enough to fill a plate; as much as a plate will hold.
    A kind of head covering; a caul. Chaucer.
    Dressed with garlands of flowers. Milton.
    A genus of perennial herbs with swordlike leaves and large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French emblem. Note: There are nearly one hundred species, natives of the north
    To bat back when served. Receiving ship, one on board of which newly recruited sailors are received, and kept till drafted for service. Syn. -- To accept; take; allow; hold; retain; admit. -- Receive, Accept. To receive describes simply the act
    1. Full of flowers; abounding with blossoms. 2. Highly embellished with figurative language; florid; as, a flowery style. Milton. The flowery kingdom, China.
    Having of being applied or used; applying; applicatory; practical. Bramhall. -- Ap"pli*ca*tive*ly, adv.
    State of being without flowers.
    Provided with, or surrounded by, cilia; as, a ciliate leaf; endowed with vibratory motion; as, the ciliated epithelium of the windpipe.
    Having no flowers. Flowerless plants, plants which have no true flowers, and produce no seeds; cryptigamous plants.
    The quality or state of being applicable.
    The quality of being applicable or fit to be applied.
    In a slippery manner.
  • CALL
    callen, AS. ceallin; akin to Icel & Sw. kalla, Dan. kalde, D. kallen 1. To command or request to come or be present; to summon; as, to call a servant. Call hither Clifford; bid him come amain Shak. 2. To summon to the discharge of a particular
    1. One who pieces; a patcher. 2. A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
    By way of application.
    The anemone; -- so called because formerly supposed to open only when the wind was blowing. See Anemone.
    In a gymnastic manner.
    In a hypercritical manner.
    An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable. 2. The edible head or "curd" of a caulifower plant. (more info) caulis, and by E. flower; F. chou cabbage is fr. L.
    A kind of small onion , native of Palestine; the eschalot, or shallot. 2. Any onion which does not "bottom out," but remains with a thick stem like a leek. Amer. Cyc.
    Not empirically; without experiment or experience.
    A plate the film of which retains its sensitiveness only while wet. The film used in such plates is of collodion impregnated with bromides and iodides. Before exposure the plate is immersed in a solution of silver nitrate, and immediately after
    In a univocal manner; in one term; in one sense; not equivocally. How is sin univocally distinguished into venial and mortal, if the venial be not sin Bp. Hall.
    1. By way of parable; in a parabolic manner. 2. In the form of a parabola.
    In a stereographical manner; by delineation on a plane.
    A genus of plants, some species of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers; day lily.
    Inapplicable. Milton.


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