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Word Meanings - SPAGYRIST - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A chemist, esp. one devoted to alchemistic pursuits. 2. One of a sect which arose in the days of alchemy, who sought to discover remedies for disease by chemical means. The spagyrists historically preceded the iatrochemists. Encyc. Brit.

Related words: (words related to SPAGYRIST)

    Embracing the whole circle of learning, or a wide range of subjects.
    The compiler of an encyclopedia, or one who assists in such compilation; also, one whose knowledge embraces the whole range of the sciences. The Encyclopedists, the writers of the great French encyclopedia which appeared in 1751-1772. The editors
    A person versed in chemistry or given to chemical investigation; an analyst; a maker or seller of chemicals or drugs.
    In a devotional manner; toward devotion.
    Beforehand; antecedently.
    kimia, fr. late Gr. alquimia, It. alchimia. Gr. fundere to pour, Goth. guitan, AS. geótan, to pour, and so to E. fuse. See Fuse, and 1. An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy
    A state of being released from coverture; freedom of a woman from the coverture of a husband. (more info) 1. Discovery.
    1. Causing uneasiness. Disgraceful to the king and diseaseful to the people. Bacon. 2. Abounding with disease; producing diseases; as, a diseaseful climate.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    A devotee. Dr. J. Scott.
    Capable of being discovered, found out, or perceived; as, many minute animals are discoverable only by the help of the microscope; truths discoverable by human industry.
    1. The action of discovering; exposure to view; laying open; showing; as, the discovery of a plot. 2. A making known; revelation; disclosure; as, a bankrupt is bound to make a full discovery of his assets. In the clear discoveries of the next
    1. To appropriate by vow; to set apart or dedicate by a solemn act; to consecrate; also, to consign over; to doom; to evil; to devote one to destruction; the city was devoted to the flames. No devoted thing that a man shall devote unto the Lord
    Pertaining to, or of the nature of, an encyclopedia; embracing a wide range of subjects.
    The past or preterit tense of Arise.
    1. One who discovers; one who first comes to the knowledge of something; one who discovers an unknown country, or a new principle, truth, or fact. The discoverers and searchers of the land. Sir W. Raleigh. 2. A scout; an explorer. Shak.
    Having a precedent; authorized or sanctioned by an example of a like kind. Walpole.
    The quality of being diseaseful; trouble; trial. Sir P. Sidney.
    1. To go before in order of time; to occur first with relation to anything. "Harm precedes not sin." Milton. 2. To go before in place, rank, or importance. 3. To cause to be preceded; to preface; to introduce; -- used with by or with before the
    1. That branch of science which treats of the composition of substances, and of the changes which they undergo in consequence of alterations in the constitution of the molecules, which depend upon variations of the number, kind, or mode
    Chemistry applied to, or used in, medicine; -- used especially with reference to the doctrines in the school of physicians in Flanders, in the 17th century, who held that health depends upon the proper chemical relations of the fluids of the body,
    A morbid condition characterized by progressive anæmia and enlargement of the lymphatic glands; -- first described by Dr. Hodgkin, an English physician.
    Not devoted. Bentley. Clarendon.
    A convulsive tic similar to or identical with miryachit, observed among the woodsmen of Maine.
    The science which treats of the chemical properties, actions or relations of substances in quantity; -- distinguished from micro- chemistry.
    A schemer. Waterland.
    Of or pertaining to iatrochemistry, or to the iatrochemists.
    The act of devoting one's self, or the state of being self- devoted; willingness to sacrifice one's own advantage or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice.
    An acute infectious febrile disease, resembling typhoid fever, with muscular pains, disturbance of the digestive organs, jaundice, etc.


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