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Word Meanings - STRAGGLER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. One who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which he belongs; one who falls behind the rest; one who rambles without any settled direction. 2. A roving vagabond. Shak. 3. Something that shoots,

Additional info about word: STRAGGLER

1. One who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which he belongs; one who falls behind the rest; one who rambles without any settled direction. 2. A roving vagabond. Shak. 3. Something that shoots, or spreads out, beyond the rest, or too far; an exuberant growth. Let thy hand supply the pruning knife, And crop luxuriant stragglers. Dryden. 4. Something that stands alone or by itself.

Related words: (words related to STRAGGLER)

    A current flowing in one direction only; -- distinguished from alternating current. When steady and not pulsating a direct current is often called a continuous current. A direct induced current, or momentary current of the same direction as the
    One who directs; a director. Directer plane , the plane to which all right-lined elements in a warped surface are parallel.
    In a wandering manner.
    Properly; hence, to a great degree; very; as, proper good.
    1. Hunted; as, a coursed hare. 2. Arranged in courses; as, coursed masonry.
    See BELOW
    A disposition of property for the benefit of some person or persons, usually through the medium of trustees, and for the benefit of a wife, children, or other relatives; jointure granted to a wife, or the act of granting it. 2. That which settles,
    The nomination or designation of candidates for public office by direct popular vote rather than through the action of a convention or body of elected nominating representatives or delegates. The term is applied both to the nomination of candidates
    1. A directress. Jer. Taylor. A line along which a point in another line moves, or which in any way governs the motion of the point and determines the position of the curve generated by it; the line along which the generatrix moves in generating
    1. The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7. 2. THe ground or path traversed; track; way. The same horse also run the round course at Newmarket.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    Outdoor; exterior. "Her without-door form." Shak.
    The condition of a vagabond; a state or habit of wandering about in idleness; vagrancy.
    Without; outside' outwardly. Cf. Withinforth. Chaucer.
    1. In a proper manner; suitably; fitly; strictly; rightly; as, a word properly applied; a dress properly adjusted. Milton. 2. Individually; after one's own manner. Now, harkeneth, how I bare me properly. Chaucer.
    1. The quality of being proper. 2. Tallness; comeliness. Udall.
    To hasten, or press forward.
    A woman who directs. Bp. Hurd.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    The glandular stomach of birds, situated just above the crop.
    1. Mentioned or comprised in a proverb; used as a proverb; hence, commonly known; as, a proverbial expression; his meanness was proverbial. In case of excesses, I take the German proverbial cure, by a hair of the same beast, to be the worst. Sir
    A disputant.
    Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment.
    A dark brown substance of vegetable origin, allied to curare, and used by the natives of New Granada as an arrow poison.
    So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.
    In a provincial manner.
    1. Turning or looking opposite ways. The temple of Janus, with his two controversal faces. Milton. 2. Controversal. Boyle.
    Expressing approbation; commending; as, an approving smile. -- Ap*prov"ing*ly, adv.
    1. To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to condemn by an act of the judgment; to regard as wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; to censure; as, to disapprove the conduct of others. 2. To refuse official approbation to; to disallow; to decline
    To lay a stock or branch of a vine in the ground for propagation. Johnson. (more info) plant, OF. provain, from L. propago, -aginis, akin to propagare to
    Having recurring flow and ebb; moving alternately. Drayton.
    Of or pertaining to the first Frankish dynasty in Gaul or France. -- n.
    Of or pertaining to the sacrum and that part of the vertebral column immediately anterior to it; as, the sacrovertebral angle.
    Of or pertaining to Provence or its inhabitants.
    In an improper manner; not properly; unsuitably; unbecomingly.


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