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Word Meanings - SULPHATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A salt of sulphuric acid.

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    Derived from, or containing, sulphur; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with the sulphurous compounds; as, sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid. Sulphur trioxide ; -- formerly so called
    Pertaining to, or containing, ethyl and sulphuric acid. Ethylsulphuric acid , an acid sulphate of ethyl, H.C2H5.SO4, produced as a thick liquid by the action of sulphiric acid on alcohol. It appears to be the active catalytic agent in the process
    Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also disulphuric acid) obtained by distillation of certain sulphates, as a colorless, thick, oily liquid, H2S2O7 resembling sulphuric acid. It is used in the solution of indigo, in the manufacture of
    Pertaining to, or derived from, hydrogen and sulphur; as, hydrosulphuricacid, a designation applied to the solution of hydrogen sulphide in water.
    Pertaining to, or containing, sulphur in a lower state of oxidation than in the sulphuric compounds; as, hyposulphuric acid. Hyposulphuric acid, an acid, H2S2O6, obtained by the action of manganese dioxide on sulphur dioxide, and known only in a
    Applied to an acid having in each molecule two atoms of sulphur in the higher state of oxidation. Disulphuric acid, a thick oily liquid, H2S2O7, called also Nordhausen acid (from Nordhausen in the Harts, where it was originally manufactured), fuming
    Of, pertaining to, or designating, an unstable acid, H2S2O3, analogous to sulphuric acid, and formerly called hyposulphurous acid.


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