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Word Meanings - TENANCY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A holding, or a mode of holding, an estate; tenure; the temporary possession of what belongs to another. A house for habitation, or place to live in, held of another. Blount. Blackstone. Wharton.

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  • HOLD
    The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck, in which the cargo is stowed.
    1. The act of placing, or the state of being placed. 2. Position; place.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Having reference to the placenta; as, the placentary system of classification.
    To make a place kick; to make by a place kick. -- Place"-kick`er, n.
    A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for 3. A hussy. Shak. Sailor's housewife, a ditty-bag. (more info) 1. The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household. Shak. He a good husband, a good
    A feast or merry-making made by or for a family or business firm on taking possession of a new house or premises. Johnson.
    1. A possessor; a property holder. "Possessioners of riches." E. Hall. Having been of old freemen and possessioners. Sir P. Sidney. 2. An invidious name for a member of any religious community endowed with property in lands, buildings, etc.,
    1. Check; hindrance; restraint; obstacle. The only holdback is the affection . . . that we bear to our wealth. Hammond. 2. The projection or loop on the thill of a vehicle. to which a strap of the harness is attached, to hold back a carriage when
    Wood allowed to a tenant for repairing the house and for fuel. This latter is often called firebote. See Bote.
    One who speaks in public; an haranguer; a preacher. Addison.
    Room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
    One who places or sets. Spenser.
    One who is employed in the hold of a vessel.
    Pertaining or appropriate to a housewife; domestic; economical; prudent. A good sort of woman, ladylike and housewifely. Sir W. Scott.
    Position in the heavens, as of a heavenly body; -- usually defined by its right ascension and declination, or by its latitude and longitude. Place of arms , a place calculated for the rendezvous of men in arms, etc., as a fort which affords a safe
    A female servant employed to do housework, esp. to take care of the rooms. Housemaid's knee , a swelling over the knee, due to an enlargement of the bursa in the front of the kneepan; -- so called because frequently occurring in servant girls who
    One who dwells in the same house with another. R. Browning.
    The vascular appendage which connects the fetus with the parent, and is cast off in parturition with the afterbirth. Note: In most mammals the placenta is principally developed from the allantois and chorion, and tufts of vascular villi
    A builder of houses.
    Warehouse for storing goods.
    To have inherent; to contain in itself; to possess. Sir W. Raleigh.
    A storehouse for wares, or goods. Addison.
    1. A house established for the convenience of the post, where relays of horses can be obtained. 2. A house for distributing the malls; a post office.
    A house or shelter for fowls.
    1. Living, occuring, or existing, at the same time; done in, or belonging to, the same times; contemporaneous. This king was contemporary with the greatest monarchs of Europe. Strype. 2. Of the same age; coeval. A grove born with himself he sees,
    A house where beasts are butchered for the market.
    A brothel. Robert Greene.
    One possessed of land in copyhold. A device for holding copy for a compositor. One who reads copy to a proof reader.
    A hand containing three of a kind and a pair, as three kings and two tens. It ranks above a flush and below four of a kind.
    1. A house in which a watch or guard is placed. 2. A place where persons under temporary arrest by the police of a city are kept; a police station; a lockup.
    A tiring-room. Shak.
    The flicker; -- called also high-hole.
    To reëstablish. Walis.
    A mode of tenure by the payment of a small duty in white rent or otherwise.
    One who beholds; a spectator.
    An officer, particularly one in the civil service; a placeman.


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