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Word Meanings - THAW - Book Publishers vocabulary database

also verdauen 8digest, OHG. douwen, firdouwen), Icel. Þeyja, Sw. töa, Dan. töe, and perhaps to Gr. 1. To melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; -- said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws. 2. To become so warm as to melt ice and

Additional info about word: THAW

also verdauen 8digest, OHG. douwen, firdouwen), Icel. Þeyja, Sw. töa, Dan. töe, and perhaps to Gr. 1. To melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; -- said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws. 2. To become so warm as to melt ice and snow; -- said in reference to the weather, and used impersonally. 3. Fig.: To grow gentle or genial.

Related words: (words related to THAW)

    Having particles which easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass, and which easily yield to pressure; capable of flowing; liquid or gaseous.
    To annul; to rescind; to discharge or release; as, to dissolve an injunction. Syn. -- See Adjourn. (more info) 1. To separate into competent parts; to disorganize; to break up; hence, to bring to an end by separating the parts, sundering
    happen; akin to D. bekomen, OHG.a piquëman, Goth. biquiman to come 1. To pass from one state to another; to enter into some state or condition, by a change from another state, or by assuming or receiving new properties or qualities, additional
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    Having power to dissolve power to dissolve a solid body; as, the dissolvent juices of the stomach. Ray.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    Pertaining to a fluid, or to its flowing motion. Fluidal structure , the structure characteristic of certain volcanic rocks in which the arrangement of the minute crystals shows the lines of flow of thew molten material before solidification; --
    See S
    Proper; decorous. And gave him what becomed love I might. Shak.
    A state of being frozen.
    By chance; peradventure; perchance; it may be. And pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. Acts viii. 22.
    The quality of being fluid or capable of flowing; a liquid, aëriform. or gaseous state; -- opposed to solidity. It was this want of organization, this looseness and fluidity of the new movement, that made it penetrate through every class
    To render fluid.
    See FLUID
    To become soft or softened, or less rude, harsh, severe, or obdurate.
    from Soften, v. Softening of the brain, or Cerebral softening , a localized softening of the brain substance, due to hemorrhage or inflammation. Three varieties, distinguished by their color and representing different stages of the morbid process,
    The state of being flluid; fluidity.
    One who, or that which, has power to dissolve or dissipate. Thou kind dissolver of encroaching care. Otway.
    1. Congealed with cold; affected by freezing; as, a frozen brook. They warmed their frozen feet. Dryden. 2. Subject to frost, or to long and severe cold; chilly; as, the frozen north; the frozen zones. 3. Cold-hearted; unsympathetic; unyielding.
    To misbecome. Bp. Sherlock.
    An artificial nutrient fluid invented by Pasteur for the study of alcoholic fermentation, but used also for the cultivation of bacteria and other organisms. It contains all the elements of protoplasm, and was originally made of the ash of yeast,
    Imperfectly fluid. -- n.
    Not to become; to suit ill; not to befit or be adapted to. Macaulay. Thy father will not act what misbecomes him. Addison.
    To misbecome. Massinger.


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