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Word Meanings - ACCEPTIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Fit for acceptance. 2. Ready to accept. B. Jonson.

Related words: (words related to ACCEPTIVE)

    Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an acceptable present, one acceptable to us.
    One who accepts; specifically ,
    1. Acceptance; reception; favorable reception or regard; state of being acceptable. This is saying worthy of all acceptation. 1 Tim. i. 15. Some things . . . are notwithstanding of so great dignity and acceptation with God. Hooker. 2. The meaning
    Made already, or beforehand, in anticipation of need; not made to order; as, ready-made clothing; ready-made jokes.
    Acceptation; the received meaning. Here the word "baron" is not to be taken in that restrictive sense to which the modern acception hath confined it. Fuller. Acception of persons or faces , favoritism; partiality. Wyclif.
    To receive as obligatory and promise to pay; as, to accept a bill of exchange. Bouvier. 6. In a deliberate body, to receive in acquittance of a duty imposed; bill , to agree to pay it when due. -- To accept service , to agree that a writ or
    In a accepted manner; admittedly.
    Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission. (more info) collected, acquittance, fr. p. p. of accipere + latio a
    The quality of being acceptable; acceptableness. "Acceptability of repentance." Jer. Taylor.
    1. Fit for acceptance. 2. Ready to accept. B. Jonson.
    The quality of being acceptable, or suitable to be favorably received; acceptability.
    Accepting; receiving.
    Having ready wit.
    Acceptance. Here's a proof of gift, But here's no proof, sir, of acceptancy. Mrs. Browning.
    An acceptor. (more info) 1. A person who accepts; a taker. 2. A respecter; a viewer with partiality. God is no accepter of persons. Chillingworth.
    In an acceptable manner; in a manner to please or give satisfaction.
    An agreeing to the action of another, by some act which binds the person in law. Note: What acts shall amount to such an acceptance is often a question of great nicety and difficulty. Mozley & W. Note: In modern law, proposal and acceptance are
    A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim. All ready, ready in every particular; wholly equipped or prepared. " am all redy at
    Too ready. -- O"ver*read"*i*ly, adv. -- O"ver*read"i*ness, n.
    Wrong acceptation; understanding in a wrong sense.
    Not acceptable; not pleasing; not welcome; unpleasant; disagreeable; displeasing; offensive. -- Un`ac*cept"a*ble*ness, n. -- Un`ac*cept"a*bly, adv.
    Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future; by this time; previously. "Joseph was in Egypt already." Exod. i. 5. I say unto you, that Elias is come already. Matt. xvii. 12. Note: It has reference to past time, but may be used
    1. Like thread or filaments; slender; as, the thready roots of a shrub. 2. Containing, or consisting of, thread.
    1. Not ready or prepared; not prompt; slow; awkward; clumsy. Dryden. Nor need the unready virgin strike her breast. Keble. 2. Not dressed; undressed.
    A neglect or refusal to accept.


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