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Word Meanings - AFRONT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In front; face to face. -- prep. In front of. Shak.

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    Beforehand; in anticipation. She is come aforehand to anoint my body. Mark xiv. 8.
    Beforehand; antecedently.
    Formerly; aforetime. dwelt in their tents, as beforetime. 2 Kings xiii. 5.
    1. Going before in time; prior; anterior; preceding; as, an event antecedent to the Deluge; an antecedent cause. 2. Presumptive; as, an antecedent improbability. Syn. -- Prior; previous; foregoing.
    1. On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than. Beyond that flaming hill. G. Fletcher. 2. At a place or time not yet reached; before. A thing beyond us, even before our death. Pope. 3. Past, out of the reach or
    1. To quit; to relinquish; to leave. Stay at the third cup, or forego the place. Herbert. 2. To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up; to resign; to renounce; -- said of a thing already enjoyed, or of one within reach,
    Eagerly; hastily; obtrusively.
    Having a precedent; authorized or sanctioned by an example of a like kind. Walpole.
    In the fore part of a vessel. (more info) 1. Before. If he have never drunk wine afore. Shak.
    An agreement; a covenant; a promise. Tell us a tale anon, as forward is. Chaucer.
    The quality of being forward; cheerful readiness; promtness; as, the forwardness of Christians in propagating the gospel. 2. An advanced stage of progress or of preparation; advancement; as, his measures were in great forwardness. Robertson. 3.
    1. In or to the front; in advance; onward. The island bore but a little ahead of us. Fielding. 2. Headlong; without restraint. L'Estrange. To go ahead. To go in advance. To go on onward. To push on in an enterprise. -- To get ahead of.
    1. One who goes before another; a predecessor; hence, an ancestor' a progenitor. 2. A purveyor of the king; -- so called, formerly, from going before to provide for his household.
    Previously; before in time; at a time preceding; as, antecedently to conversion. Barrow.
    1. In a state of anticipation ore preoccupation; in advance; -- often followed by with. Agricola . . . resolves to be beforehand with the danger. Milton. The last cited author has been beforehand with me. Addison. 2. By way of preparation,
    Named or quoted before.
    One employed in forwarding. (more info) 1. One who forwards or promotes; a promoter. Udall. 2. One who sends forward anything; one who transmits goods; a forwarding merchant.
    The process of putting a book into its cover, and making it ready for the finisher. (more info) 1. The act of one who forwards; the act or occupation of transmitting merchandise or other property for others.
    Named before. Peacham.
    Before that time; beforehand. Many a winter therebiforn. Chaucer.
    Forward to excess; too forward. -- O"ver*for"ward*ness, n.
    Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating; honest; frank. -- adv.
    An apron for a child to protect the front part of dress; a tier.


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