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Word Meanings - ASSERTER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who asserts; one who avers pr maintains; an assertor. The inflexible asserter of the rights of the church. Milman.

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    Regard for the church.
    The quality of being averse; opposition of mind; unwillingness.
    Befitting a church or a churchman; becoming to a clergyman. Shak.
    A turning from with dislike; aversion. Some men have a natural aversation to some vices or virtues, and a natural affection to others. Jer. Taylor.
    Affirming; maintaining. Arguments . . . assertory, not probatory. Jer. Taylor. An assertory, not a promissory, declaration. Bentham. A proposition is assertory, when it enounces what is known as actual. Sir W. Hamilton.
    AS. circe, cyrice; akin to D. kerk, Icel. kirkja, Sw. kyrka, Dan. kirke, G. kirche, OHG. chirihha; all fr. Gr. ç'd4ra hero, Zend. çura 1. A building set apart for Christian worship. 2. A Jewish or heathen temple. Acts xix. 37. 3. A formally
    The ground adjoining a church, in which the dead are buried; a cemetery. Like graves in the holy churchyard. Shak. Syn. -- Burial place; burying ground; graveyard; necropolis; cemetery; God's acre.
    A seat in the porch of a church. Shak.
    The modes or scales used in ancient church music. See Gregorian.
    1. Not capable of being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding. 2. Firm in will or purpose; not to be turned, changed, or altered; resolute; determined; unyieding; inexorable; stubborn. "Inflexibleas steel." Miltom. Amanof upright and inflexibletemper
    1. Turned away or backward. The tracks averse a lying notice gave, And led the searcher backward from the cave. Dryden. 2. Having a repugnance or opposition of mind; disliking; disinclined; unwilling; reluctant. Averse alike to flatter, or offend.
    State of being a church. South.
    Pertaining to, or becoming, a churchman. Milman.
    1. A turning away. Adhesion to vice and aversion from goodness. Bp. Atterbury. 2. Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike; antipathy; disinclination; reluctance. Mutual aversion of races. Prescott. His rapacity had made him an object of
    Strict adherence to the forms or principles of some church organization; sectarianism.
    One who asserts; one who avers pr maintains; an assertor. The inflexible asserter of the rights of the church. Milman.
    One who attends church.
    Relating to a church; unduly fond of church forms.
    1. One of the officers in an Episcopal church, whose duties vary in different dioceses, but always include the provision of what is necessary for the communion service. 2. A clay tobacco pipe, with a long tube. There was a small wooden table
    Churchyard. Chaucer.
    Lying across; being in a direction across something else; as, paths cut with traverse trenches. Oak . . . being strong in all positions, may be better trusted in cross and traverse work. Sir H. Wotton. The ridges of the fallow field traverse.
    Adjustable laterally; having a lateral motion, or a swinging motion; adapted for giving lateral motion. Traversing plate , one of two thick iron plates at the hinder part of a gun carriage, where the handspike is applied in traversing the piece.
    One who holds high-church principles.
    A portion of the Church of England, consisting of persons who claim to hold a position, in respect to doctrine and fellowship, intermediate between the High Church party and the Low Church, or evangelical, party. The term has been applied
    Of or pertaining to, or favoring, the party called the High Church, or their doctrines or policy. See High Church, under High, a.
    The principles of the low-church party.
    That portion of the Christian church which prevails in the countries once comprised in the Eastern Roman Empire and the countries converted to Christianity by missionaries from them. Its full official title is The Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern


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