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Word Meanings - BANE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Icel. bani death, murderer, OHG. bana murder, bano murderer, murder, OIr. bath death, benim I strike. 2. Destruction; death. The cup of deception spiced and tempered to their bane. Milton. 3. Any cause of ruin, or lasting injury; harm; woe. Money,

Additional info about word: BANE

Icel. bani death, murderer, OHG. bana murder, bano murderer, murder, OIr. bath death, benim I strike. 2. Destruction; death. The cup of deception spiced and tempered to their bane. Milton. 3. Any cause of ruin, or lasting injury; harm; woe. Money, thou bane of bliss, and source of woe. Herbert. 4. A disease in sheep, commonly termed the rot. Syn. -- Poison; ruin; destruction; injury; pest.

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Related words: (words related to BANE)

    Not done or performed; neglected.
    Anathematization. We find a law of Justinian forbidding anathematisms to be pronounced against the Jewish Hellenists. J. Taylor.
    A gift. Gen. xxxiii. 11. 5. Grateful praise or worship. (more info) 1. The act of one who blesses. 2. A declaration of divine favor, or an invocation imploring divine favor on some or something; a benediction; a wish of happiness pronounces.
    The act of a naval commander who visits, or enters on board, a vessel belonging to another nation, for the purpose of ascertaining her character and object, but without claiming or exercising a right of searching the vessel. It is, however, usually
    1. An invocation of, or prayer for, harm or injury; malediction. Lady, you know no rules of charity, Which renders good for bad, blessings for curses. Shak. 2. Evil pronounced or invoked upon another, solemnly, or in passion; subjection to, or
    To pronounce an anathema against; to curse. Hence: To condemn publicly as something accursed. Milton.
    1. The reversal of what has been done. 2. Ruin. "The utter undoing of some." Hooker.
    In a cursed manner; miserably; in a manner to be detested; enormously.
    To unfold, or render single.
    The act of imprecating, or unvoking evil upon any one; a player that a curse or calamnity may fall on any one; a curse. Men cowered like slaves before such horrid imprecations. Motley. Syn. -- Malediction; curse; execration; anathema.
  • UNDO
    1. To reverse, as what has been done; to annul; to bring to naught. What's done can not be undone. Shak. To-morrow, ere the setting sun, She 'd all undo that she had done. Swift. 2. To loose; to open; to take to piece; to unfasten; to untie; hence,
    Deserving a curse; execrable; hateful; detestable; abominable. Let us fly this cursed place. Milton. This cursed quarrel be no more renewed. Dryden.
    A proclaiming of evil against some one; a cursing; imprecation; a curse or execration; -- opposed to benediction. No malediction falls from his tongue. Longfellow. Syn. -- Cursing; curse; execration; imprecation; denunciation; anathema.
    Happily; fortunately; joyfully. We shall blessedly meet again never to depart. Sir P. Sidney.
    One who pronounces an anathema. Hammond.
    Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema. -- A*nath`e*mat"ic*al*ly, adv.
    One who curses.
    To make wild or roving.
    Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable; as, undoubted proof; undoubted hero. -- Un*doubt"ed*ly, adv.
    One who undoes anything; especially, one who ruins another.
    Having no curb or restraint.
    A caoutchouc like substance obtained from the milky juice of the East Indian Euphorbia Kattimundoo. It is used as a cement.
    The wife of a constable.
    Having no ribs.
    Destitute of limbs.
    Without a thumb. Darwin.
    A forerunning. Shak.
    A right of inheritance belonging to a second son; a property or possession so inherited. The kingdom of Naples . . . was constituted a secundo-geniture of Spain. Bancroft.
    Having no cubs. Byron.
    having no shrubs. Byron.
    Destitute of herbs or of vegetation. J. Warton.


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