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Word Meanings - BESTOWAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The act of bestowing; disposal.

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    ferre to bear, bring. The English word was influenced by F. offrir to 1. To present, as an act of worship; to immolate; to sacrifice; to present in prayer or devotion; -- often with up. Thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for
    The act of administering a remedy. (more info) 1. The act of exhibiting for inspection, or of holding forth to view; manifestation; display. 2. That which is exhibited, held forth, or displayed; also, any public show; a display of works of art,
    One who has a pension or allowance granted for support. A youth who had as an exhibitioner from Christ's Hospital. G. Eliot.
    One who offers; esp., one who offers something to God in worship. Hooker.
    1. The act of bestowing a dower, fund, or permanent provision for support. 2. That which is bestowed or settled on a person or an institution; property, fund, or revenue permanently appropriated to any object; as, the endowment of a church,
    Offer; proposal; overture. More offertures and advantages to his crown. Milton.
    1. The act of offering, or the thing offered. Bacon. Bp. Fell. An anthem chanted, or a voluntary played on the organ, during the offering and first part of the Mass. That part of the Mass which the priest reads before uncovering the chalice to
    yield, LL. creantare to promise, assure, for credentare to make believe, fr. L. credens, p. pr. of credere to believe. See 1. To give over; to make conveyance of; to give the possession or title of; to convey; -- usually in answer to petition.
    1. The act of an offerer; a proffering. 2. That which is offered, esp. in divine service; that which is presented as an expiation or atonement for sin, or as a free gift; a sacrifice; an oblation; as, sin offering. They are polluted offerings more
    The act or contract by which a person voluntarily transfers the title to a thing of which be is the owner, from himself to another, without any consideration, as a free gift. Bouvier. Donation party, a party assembled at the house of some one, as
    1. The act of introducing, or bringing to notice. 2. The act of formally making persons known to each other; a presentation or making known of one person to another by name; as, the introduction of one stranger to another. 3. That part of a book
    The person to whom a grant or conveyance is made. His grace will not survive the poor grantee he despises. Burke.
    Capable of being offered; suitable or worthy to be offered.
    The act of bestowing; disposal.
    1. The act of delivering from restraint; rescue; release; liberation; as, the delivery of a captive from his dungeon. 2. The act of delivering up or over; surrender; transfer of the body or substance of a thing; distribution; as, the delivery of
    Capable of being granted.
    One who grants.
    exhibition; representation; display; appearance; semblance; show. Under the presentation of the shoots his wit. Shak. 3. That which is presented or given; a present; a gift, as, the picture was a presentation. (more info) 1. The act of presenting,
    The person by whom a grant or conveyance is made.
    One who immigrates; one who comes to a country for the purpose of permanent residence; -- correlative of emigrant. Syn. -- See Emigrant.
    1. Act of delivering back. 2. A second or new delivery or liberation.
    Forgiveness, either express or implied, by a husband of his wife or by a wife of her husband, for a breach of marital duty, as adultery, with an implied condition that the offense shall not be repeated. Bouvier. Wharton. (more info) 1. The act
    Neglect or failure to present; state of not being presented.
    1. Flaming; inflamed; glowing; burning; ardent. The beadle's lash still flagrant on their back. Prior. A young man yet flagrant from the lash of the executioner or the beadle. De Quincey. Flagrant desires and affections. Hooker. 2. Actually in
    Making part of a whole; necessary to constitute an entire thing; integral. Boyle. All these are integrant parts of the republic. Burke. Integrant parts, or particles, of bodies, those smaller particles into which a body may be reduced without loss
    State of being vagrant; vagrancy.
    fragrance: cf. OF. fragrant. Affecting the olfactory nerves agreeably; sweet of smell; odorous; having or emitting an agreeable perfume. Fragrant the fertile earth After soft showers. Milton. Syn. -- Sweet-smelling; odorous; odoriferous;
    The act of re-presenting, or the state of being presented again; a new presentation; as, re-presentation of facts previously stated.
    forth or forward, to offer; pro forward + ferre to bring. See Bear to 1. To offer for acceptance; to propose to give; to make a tender of; as, to proffer a gift; to proffer services; to proffer friendship. Shak. I reck not what wrong that thou
    The act of scoffing; scoffing conduct; mockery. Holinshed.
    Migratory. Sir T. Browne. -- n.


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