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Word Meanings - BREEDING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act or process of generating or bearing. 2. The raising or improving of any kind of domestic animals; as, farmers should pay attention to breeding. 3. Nurture; education; formation of manners. She had her breeding at my father's charge.

Additional info about word: BREEDING

1. The act or process of generating or bearing. 2. The raising or improving of any kind of domestic animals; as, farmers should pay attention to breeding. 3. Nurture; education; formation of manners. She had her breeding at my father's charge. Shak. 4. Deportment or behavior in the external offices and decorums of social life; manners; knowledge of, or training in, the ceremonies, or polite observances of society. Delicacy of breeding, or that polite deference and respect which civility obliges us either to express or counterfeit towards the persons with whom we converse. Hume. 5. Descent; pedigree; extraction. Honest gentlemen, I know not your breeding. Shak. Close breeding, In and in breeding, breeding from a male and female from the same parentage. -- Cross breeding, breeding from a male and female of different lineage. -- Good breeding, politeness; genteel deportment. Syn. -- Education; instruction; nurture; training; manners. See Education.

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    The forms required by good breeding, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official life; observance of the proprieties of rank and occasion; conventional decorum; ceremonial code of polite society. The pompous etiquette to the
    Behaving like a fashion-monger. Shak.
    Having a certain style or fashion; as old-fashioned; new- fashioned.
    One who studies the fashions; a fop; a dandy. Marston.
    In a fashionable manner.
    State of being fashionable.
    The state of being conventional; adherence to social formalities or usages; that which is established by conventional use; one of the customary usages of social life.
    orig., a making, fr. L. factio a making, fr. facere to make. See 1. The make or form of anything; the style, shape, appearance, or mode of structure; pattern, model; as, the fashion of the ark, of a coat, of a house, of an altar, etc.
    1. Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style; as, a fashionable dress. 2. Established or favored by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time; as, the fashionable philosophy;
    1. The act or process of generating or bearing. 2. The raising or improving of any kind of domestic animals; as, farmers should pay attention to breeding. 3. Nurture; education; formation of manners. She had her breeding at my father's charge.
    1. One who, or that which, breeds, produces, brings up, etc. She was a great breeder. Dr. A. Carlyle. Italy and Rome have been the best breeders of worthy men. Ascham. 2. A cause. "The breeder of my sorrow." Shak.
    Having no fashion.
    An obsequious follower of the modes and fashions. Fuller.
    One who breeds or originates quarrels. "No telltale nor no breedbate." Shak.
    brood; akin to D. broeden to brood, OHG. bruoten, G. brĂ¼ten. See 1. To produce as offspring; to bring forth; to bear; to procreate; to generate; to beget; to hatch. Yet every mother breeds not sons alike. Shak. If the sun breed maggots in a dead
    One who fashions, forms, ar gives shape to anything. The fashioner had accomplished his task, and the dresses were brought home. Sir W. Scott.
    To breed by crossing different stocks of animals or plants.
    1. A breed or an animal produced from parents of different breeds; a new variety, as of plants, combining the qualites of two parent varieties or stocks. 2. Anything partaking of the natures of two different things; a hybrid.
    To breed to excess.
    The act of refashioning, or the state of being refashioned. Leigh Hunt.
    To rear, or bring up; to nurse. "Upbred in a foreign country." Holinshed.
    Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; adhering to old customs or ideas; as, an old-fashioned dress, girl. "Old-fashioned men of wit." Addison. This old-fashioned, quaint abode. Longfellow.
    Unfashionable. Beau. & Fl.
    To generate within; to inbreed. Hakewill.


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