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Word Meanings - BUTTERWEIGHT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Over weight. Swift. Note: Formerly it was a custom to give 18 ounces of butter for a pound.

Related words: (words related to BUTTERWEIGHT)

    A kind of candy, mainly composed of sugar and butter. Dickens.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    The keeper of a pound.
    A kind of rich, sweet cake; -- so called from the ingredients being used by pounds, or in equal quantities.
    Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent; usage. See Usage, and Prescription. Note: Usage is a fact. Custom is a law. There can be no custom without usage, though there may be usage without
    The quality or state of being weighty; weight; force; importance; impressiveness.
    In a weighty manner.
    1. To strike repeatedly with some heavy instrument; to beat. With cruel blows she pounds her blubbered cheeks. Dryden. 2. To comminute and pulverize by beating; to bruise or break into fine particles with a pestle or other heavy instrument; as,
    The quality or state of being swift; speed; quickness; celerity; velocity; rapidity; as, the swiftness of a bird; the swiftness of a stream; swiftness of descent in a falling body; swiftness of thought, etc.
    A man who makes or sells butter.
    Any one of numerous species of small East Indian and Asiatic swifts of the genus Collocalia. Some of the species are noted for furnishing the edible bird's nest. See Illust. under Edible.
    1. One who, or that which, pounds, as a stamp in an ore mill. 2. An instrument used for pounding; a pestle. 3. A person or thing, so called with reference to a certain number of pounds in value, weight, capacity, etc.; as, a cannon carrying
    A rope used to retain the bars of the capstan in their sockets while men are turning it. A rope used to encircle a boat longitudinally, to strengthen and defend her sides. The forward shroud of a lower mast.
    A general name for the numerous species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Note: Asclepias butterfly. See under Asclepias. -- Butterfly fish , the ocellated blenny of Europe. See Blenny. The term is also applied to the flying gurnard. -- Butterfly shell
    A genus of low herbs having simple leaves which secrete from their glandular upper surface a viscid fluid, to which insects adhere, after which the margin infolds and the insects are digested by the plant. The species are found mostly in the North
    The milk that remains after the butter is separated from the cream.
    Holding or held by custom; as, customary tenants; customary service or estate. (more info) 1. Agreeing with, or established by, custom; established by common usage; conventional; habitual. Even now I met him With customary compliment.
    1. An oily, unctuous substance obtained from cream or milk by churning. 2. Any substance resembling butter in degree of consistence, or other qualities, especially, in old chemistry, the chloridess, as butter of antimony, sesquichloride
    1. Customary. Sir T. More. 2. Subject to the payment of customs; dutiable.
    The European bittern. Johnson.
    A counterpoise.
    A large oceanic fish found in the tropical parts of all the oceans. It is used chiefly for bait.
    Habituation. Accustomedness to sin hardens the heart. Bp. Pearce.
    A small standard weight used in assaying bullion, etc., sometimes equaling 0.5 gram, but varying with the assayer.
    One who impounds.
    1. A weight of 28 pounds (one of 40 pounds is called a heavy welterweight) sometimes imposed in addition to weight for age, chiefly in steeplechases and hurdle races. 2. A boxer or wrestler whose weight is intermediate between that
    A Jacobite who favored the restoration of James II, on condition of a general amnesty and of guarantees for the security of the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of the realm. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, compounds or mixes; as, a
    That may be compounded.
    To destroy the force of habit in; to wean from a custom. Johnson.
    To expound erroneously.
    1. The act of impounding, or the state of being impounded. 2. The fee or fine for impounding.


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