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Word Meanings - CANCEL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To suppress or omit; to strike out, as matter in type. Canceled figures , figures cast with a line across the face., as for use in arithmetics. Syn. -- To blot out; Obliterate; deface; erase; efface; expunge; annul; abolish; revoke; abrogate;

Additional info about word: CANCEL

To suppress or omit; to strike out, as matter in type. Canceled figures , figures cast with a line across the face., as for use in arithmetics. Syn. -- To blot out; Obliterate; deface; erase; efface; expunge; annul; abolish; revoke; abrogate; repeal; destroy; do away; set aside. See Abolish. (more info) lattice, to strike or cross out fr. cancelli lattice, crossbars, dim. of cancer lattice; cf. Gr. 1. To inclose or surround, as with a railing, or with latticework. A little obscure place canceled in with iron work is the pillar or stump at which . . . our Savior was scourged. Evelyn. 2. To shut out, as with a railing or with latticework; to exclude. "Canceled from heaven." Milton. 3. To cross and deface, as the lines of a writing, or as a word or figure; to mark out by a cross line; to blot out or obliterate. A deed may be avoided by delivering it up to be cancelled; that is, to have lines drawn over it in the form of latticework or cancelli; the phrase is now used figuratively for any manner of obliterating or defacing it. Blackstone. 4. To annul or destroy; to revoke or recall. The indentures were canceled. Thackeray. He was unwilling to cancel the interest created through former secret services, by being refractory on this occasion. Sir W. Scott.

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    An interval. And a' shall laugh without intervallums. Shak. In one of these intervalla. Chillingworth.
    Mutual communion; as, an intercommunion of deities. Faber.
    In echinoderms, one of the areas or zones intervening between two ambulacra. See Illust. of Ambulacrum. (more info) Interambulacrums
    To unite, as by lacing together; to insert or interpose one thing within another; to intertwine; to interweave. Severed into stripes That interlaced each other. Cowper. The epic way is every where interlaced with dialogue. Dryden. Interlacing arches
    The median of the three elements composing the centra of the vertebræ in some fossil batrachians.
    Of or pertaining to the interambulacra.
    To wall in; to inclose. Ford.
    An interregent, or a regent.
    One who revokes.
    A name given to each of three compromises made by the emperor Charles V. of Germany for the sake of harmonizing the connecting opinions of Protestants and Catholics. (more info) 1. The meantime; time intervening; interval between events, etc. All
    1. Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; -- opposed to exterior, or superficial; as, the interior apartments of a house; the interior surface of a hollow ball. 2. Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore;
    1. On, or to, one side; out of a straight line, course, or direction; at a little distance from the rest; out of the way; apart. Thou shalt set aside that which is full. 2 Kings iv. 4. But soft! but soft! aside: here comes the king. Shak.
    An intermediate agent.
    Between the radii, or rays; -- in zoölogy, said of certain parts of radiate animals; as, the interradial plates of a starfish.
    Between the hemal arches or hemal spines. -- n.
    An intertie.
    Interchange; mutual or reciprocal change.
    A coming between; intervention; meeting. Sir H. Wotton.
    1. Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations. 2. Of or concerning the association called the International. International code
    To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc. (more info) 1. To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table. Bacon.
    Capable of being misinterpreted; liable to be misunderstood.
    Uninteresting. "Disinteresting passages." Bp. Warburton.
    To meddle with the affairs of others; to meddle officiously; to interpose or interfere improperly; to mix or meddle with. The practice of Spain hath been, by war and by conditions of treaty, to intermeddle with foreign states. Bacon. Syn. -- To
    To question formally; to question; to examine by asking questions; as, to interrogate a witness. Wilt thou, uncalled, interrogate, Talker! the unreplying Fate Emerson. Syn. -- To question; ask. See Question. (more info) interrogatus,
    A certain old dance. Halliwell.


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